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Man shot in car on Waukegan street
Harold Wrote:Isn't it about time for We The People to pressure our elected state representatives and senators to reassess their unconstitutional bias against our God-given rights to protect our families and get busy with crafting conceal/carry-- shall issue legislation, like many other states in our union presently have? Statistics show a substantial drop in violent crime in those states. Of course, in order to secure a permit, one would have to show knowledge of, and proficiency with, their firearms. Lessons, anyone? Harold Beadling
Harold, while I am in favor of concealed carry, mainly because of our current less than ideal situation, I think our time would be better spent pressuring our state representatives and senators to craft a system that does not create a subclass of punks who rob and kill. Concealed carry addresses the symptoms. For effective change to take place the root causes of these problems needs to be addressed. We, meaning current science, know what causes these problems, therefore we know how to uncause them. You can bet every one of those four individuals were created by our current system and their robbery and shooting of that man was highly predictable. For the most part laws, and crime and punishment are meant for the lower strata of our society. Most of our state representatives and senators are in a higher socio-economic strata and are thus much isolated from the realities of which I speak. We need to impress upon them the need for substantial change. We need to shout out loud "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE"!

But if it's just you and me out there shouting, it ain't never gonna happen. I've come to believe that one of humankinds worse traits, the trait that keeps humankind from progressing in any substancial way, is the fact that most humans are willing to be sheep. The upper eschelon, the holders of power, have known this since the beginning of civilization, probably over 5000 years and have effectively used it to keep the masses in check ever since then.

The turmoil in the 1960's really had them shaken though but they recovered very nicely.

Now, where's my American Idol... I'm happy as long as I have my American Idol.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Man shot in car on Waukegan street - by sunny - 01-29-2010, 07:58 AM
Re: Man shot in car on Waukegan street - by Danno - 01-30-2010, 11:48 PM
Re: Man shot in car on Waukegan street - by Danno - 02-01-2010, 01:03 AM

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