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City of Waukegan screws its cititzens, again
Perhaps the property owners should properly maintain their property or pay the bills. If the city has to go in and cut the grass, clean the weeds etc and the property owner does not pay the bill why should the city sit and wait for the money? The city tags the homeowner before and notifies them they have a certain amount of days before the city will come in and ticket them as do the work at the homeowners cost. If the owners were worried about the cost, they should take care of the problem before the city steps in. Are you saying it is fine for the city go in and clean up yards for free? I don't think so. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the property maintained. I think it is great the city is doing this. Maybe it will encourage some of the dead beat homeowners to think twice about letting their yards go to hell! We want progress, right? We want the city cleaned up, right? People need to be held responsibility for their actions (or lack of action).

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Re: City of Waukegan screws its cititzens, again - by sunny - 01-27-2010, 10:04 AM

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