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Settlement eyed in harbor case
And what is more troubling is that our duly elected aldermen WAIT for staff and other appointed officials to supply them with information of zero development and questionable financial practices. Last I checked, our aldermen are the ones to DEMAND of staff PERFORMANCE. Sitting idly by while the sinking ship settles on the ocean floor is the measure of how much our elected officials have attempted to right things.

We hear so often "We didnt know" - Why wasn't this done?" - How did this happen?" - Who's responsibility was this?" echo from council chambers as our shoulder shrugging aldermen point fingers and seperate themselves from staff and the Mayor's office.

Completely unnacceptable.

They are the stewards of our City and they should be asking the questions and DEMANDING PERFORMANCE WELL IN ADVANCE of disaster. And if performance is not seen; then a change of personel is in order.

Messages In This Thread
Settlement eyed in harbor case - by wakluvit - 01-12-2010, 09:50 AM
Re: Settlement eyed in harbor case - by Harold - 01-23-2010, 08:01 PM
Re: Settlement eyed in harbor case - by sifting bird - 01-25-2010, 12:50 AM
Re: Settlement eyed in harbor case - by Danno - 01-25-2010, 02:48 AM

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