01-26-2010, 03:20 AM
The City of Waukegan has always owned the Genesee. The Friends have never had any decision-making authority when it comes to the managing, spending or promoting of the theatre. They are solely a fund-raising not-for-profit organization. It was the city's decision to hire SMG; the Friends had nothing to do with it. Even today, the Friends have nothing to do with the management of the building/production of the shows...etc. They just donated $50,000 of privately-raised funds to purchase the film equipment to have the theatre open on non-show nights.
I am a donor to the Friends, and am happy to participate. They have a nice membership program, open to the public and totally tax-deductable. I get early tickets (aka SWEET seats!) sent directly to my house for free, discounts during shows, comped parking and lots more. You all should check it out. It's a great way to support the theatre and get a nice tax break.
See you at Willie Nelson! I'll be sitting row A!
I am a donor to the Friends, and am happy to participate. They have a nice membership program, open to the public and totally tax-deductable. I get early tickets (aka SWEET seats!) sent directly to my house for free, discounts during shows, comped parking and lots more. You all should check it out. It's a great way to support the theatre and get a nice tax break.
See you at Willie Nelson! I'll be sitting row A!