12-13-2009, 09:10 PM
Hoopla Wrote:Sunny,Money is the universal "common language". A lot of the rules for the courts utilize liberal use of Latin.
What you say is true, we don't have an official language and people should be free
to speak any language that they like.
On the other hand I think that it is absolutely critical for a society to survive and function
it must have a common language. For example if you are a lawyer you make your
arguments before the court in English. The constitution and all the laws flowing from it
are in English. If you're a pilot flying into Ohare somebody in the cockpit better speak English.
In fact if you're flying into *any* major airport in the world the language is English. There has
to be a common language for the system to function.
The problem is that language and culture are joined at the hip and very difficult to separate.
But separate they must.