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Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months
See below letter sent out by Jim Donovan today. Appears Main Street was never in trouble.

Quote:Waukegan Main Street

Friends and Members of Main Street:

You've likely seen the story on the front page of Wednesday's News-Sun about Main Street. If you haven't, I'll let you know that the headline screams "Main Street Out of Cash."

Well, as Mark Twain put it: "News of my death is greatly exaggerated."

The body of the story is more balanced than the headline and points out now we are as well-situated as ever for November. We were never out of money nor were we ever in a position of being unable to make payroll. Not even close. Certainly things were tighter than usual for a couple months while waiting for a grant check to arrive. But we were never in trouble because people took action. First of all, we still have SLAP funds and one donor said we could use its SLAP donation for operating expenses. Second, board members stepped up to make contributions and two even promised to lend Main Street cash in case we needed it. We didn't need it. And with the arrival of the first payment of the City's grant for the year, we're fine and back to normal.

Two last points. The first is that I've heard a rumor that somehow the City is to blame for what's happened. This is absolutely not true. Everyone in the Main Street office knew that the City was facing the challenges of this economy and would make its donation later than usual. We communicated this to everyone involved and made accommodations to deal with it. By no means does the current controversy reflect on the City.

The second is that I don't want to leave anyone with the impression that Main Street is so flush with cash that it don't need donations. Every penny that comes to Main Street goes to the work of improving Downtown and serving Waukegan. Every dollar you donate to Main Street means more resources to make a difference for our citizens and our businesses. We--you and me as well as all the members, friends, donors, board members and staff--are the strength of Main Street. And finally, I invite you to prove that last statement this Sunday. People are gathering in Jack Benny Plaza at 10 am on Sunday to decorate Downtown. It's our Downtown, and we can decorate it just like we decorate our own homes. Let's do it!


Dr. James Donovan
Board President,
Waukegan Main Street

A more appropriate Mark Twain quote for Dr. Donovan would be: "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

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Re: Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months - by Silence Dogood - 11-19-2009, 09:51 PM

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