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Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months
verenablock Wrote:
Mouse Wrote:This statement reads like some corporate inspired "pass the buck" response. So is this to mean that the director (possibly the only professional in the organization) is prevented from involvement in any fundraising efforts? Isn't the mayors luncheon or the mardi gras thing a fundraiser? If so does this mean the director does not work on creating or implementing those events.

Actually, I am going to agree with you here. I think a huge part of the position of the Executive Director should be to garner donations. Additionally, I think the board - being pillars of the community - should be the ones to introduce any new Executive Director to Waukegan, and take them around to the various businesses who are/have been supporters, as well as those businesses who have yet to contribute to community development. This is particularly important, I think, when you hire someone with no non-profit experience.

I would also agree that the Mayor's Luncheon, Mardi Gras, and all other events should be promoted as fundraisers. Perhaps then they might make more than a few hundred dollars per event.

Again, there was no real reason for Main Street to run completely out of money. During the last luncheon - the annual meeting Oct. 9th - there was ample opportunity to tell the supporters that Main Street was in desperate need of funds. No doubt at least a thousand dollars could have been raised, there had to have been at least 80 people there (it was quite a nice lunch at the Yacht Club). Instead, we had to sit through the Mr. Donovan imploring us to applaud to vote in the board of directors, and a lot of patting himself on the back for doing such a fine job with the organization.
Good point about the lunch at the yacht club. I wonder how much of the budget those luncheons use up. They used to put their yearly financial report on the website but I don't see it there now.

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Re: Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months - by Mouse - 11-19-2009, 05:06 PM

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