11-18-2009, 10:29 PM
verenablock Wrote:This statement reads like some corporate inspired "pass the buck" response. So is this to mean that the director (possibly the only professional in the organization) is prevented from involvement in any fundraising efforts? Isn't the mayors luncheon or the mardi gras thing a fundraiser? If so does this mean the director does not work on creating or implementing those events.Mouse Wrote:(quote) Maybe Ms. Miller should have made a plan to "make money". Isn't that what she was hired to do in part.
Actually, no. Fundraising is the purview of the board of directors, and the organization committee is tasked with getting memberships.
Bottom line is the whole Waukegan Main Street thing is a farce. There is very little benefit to the city as a whole or to the downtown considering the amount of money expended. I say let it go. If it were an all volunteer, self-funded program it might be different.
Shouldn't the city's special events department or public relations department be promoting the downtown in exactly the same way as Main Street? A Main Street program is redundant in a community that has those two departments. Based on past performance it only makes sense to let Main Street go.