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Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months
verenablock Wrote:It was the city that put up the decorations and the tree in Benny Plaza every year. However, they said they would not do so this year, so Main Street is attempting to get the tree so that there is something there.

Whether or not the city relents and decides to put up the wreaths and other lights remains to be seen.

The city is indeed broke. That is why they are trying to sell the lot at Fountain Square, so they can raise their bond rating and get another bond to get through. When I spoke to Mayor Sabonjian a few weeks ago, he told me that they are going to have to increase property taxes, and that they intend to raise the price of the city stickers and water utilities.

It used to be that while the city didn't have a lot to offer, at least it was reasonably cheap to live here. Now that the price of living here is going to rise, the only incentive left to stay in Waukegan is gone.

Really sad the city can't afford to even put up the holiday lights downtown. But the city has the city workers to do that, and the tree, too. How much can a tree cost ? The lights and decorations already are purchased, and the city workers should be able to have the time to put up these holiday treats. What are they doing that keeps them so busy, I have to wonder.

Raise property taxes, raise city stickers and water utilities? I also noticed that the City is still issuing $20 parking fines too if you park at a meter one minute to late. That really "encourages" people not to go down there unless they must. I thought Sabonjian said he would do away with those parking fines and go to free parking if he got elected. This whole deal here is so disappointing. This city is just pay, pay, pay for what?

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Re: Wkgn Main Street chief lasts two months - by WT Reader - 11-18-2009, 09:28 PM

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