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HELP! I'm being surrounded by idiots.
What an idiot filled day today was.

Idiot number 1 = G.M. engineer.
I had a corroded and leaking freeze plug in the engine in my van. A new freeze plug cost about $1.00 but it is located under the engine mount so it involves removing 7 "nearly impossible to get at" bolts to just get the bad freeze plug out. I notice that the 3 bolts that hold the upper engine mount to the engine block have holes in the center of them. I get 6 of the 7 bolts out and as I'm removing the 7th it breaks off. Why did it break? Because some idiot put a hole in the center of it for some stupid unknown reason and said hole probably reduced the bolts strength by at least half. Now I have a nightmare of removing the broken bolt. Thanks you idiots at G.M.

Idiot number 2 = dog walker.
As I'm driving to the auto parts store to get the freeze plug I notice the neighborhood dog walker who does not pick up after his large dog. Several times during the summer he has allowed his dog to poop on my back alley grass and did not clean it up.
Well today I decided to watch a little bit and I finally saw him repeat the process with my own eyes. I called the police on him and they spoke to him at his home. He admitted to police that his dog did poop where I showed the officer but he didn't "think it was a problem". The officer set him straight and the man promised to clean up after his dog from now on.

Idiot number 3 = city employees, possibly The Mayor.
Several weeks ago I noticed several sidewalk squares on my street that were marked for removal and replacement. There was nothing wrong with them. They were not high or low either. Concerned about waste of resources and taxes I took a picture of them and sent the picture to Mayor Sabonjian and questioned why they were being replaced. Well, today I noticed they were removed and will be replaced. Those sidewalk squares were probably 50 years old and not cracked or defective in any way. They had withstood the test of time. I'll include a picture of them here. You be the judge. The sad part is there were others just like them that were also replaced even though it was not necessary but I did not photograph them.

Idiot Number 4 = Food Stamp Queen at Aldi- Federal and State Government.
I stop at Aldi on my way to the auto parts store. The food stamp queen in front of me in the checkout line pays for $150 worth of groceries with a LINK card. She then gets $200 in CASH on her LINK card. I say something about it and the guy behind me can’t believe what he is seeing. He says she can go out and get some alcohol now.

Idiot number 5 = Advance Auto Parts Employee.
I finally get to the auto parts store. I bought a single 15/8” freeze plug there last week for $.99. This week however is entirely different. Freeze plugs are no longer available singly. I have to buy a pack of 10 assorted sizes for $10. Buy 10, use 1, throw away 9.….IDIOTS!

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[Image: IMG_3193.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
HELP! I'm being surrounded by idiots. - by Danno - 09-19-2009, 10:17 PM

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