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Who is watching the athletic director?
countymounty Wrote:My opionion is this - you took a shot at the high school coach in a public setting. If your ultimate goal was to build ONE program that was not the way to do it. You should have met with him and all came together. Im glad you know you need to step away and get someone in the youth level who is going to promote a good relationship with the high school, not an adversarial one. Good luck to that program, what was done at the board meeting set the program back ten years. Relationships between coach and player, the forming of a 18u travel team (which im sure will run in direct conflict with the high school) will make kids choose, and overall bad relations with the youth programs. Good luck to all involved with that.

You are entitled to your opinion, as I am certainly entitled to mine. I took a shot at the coach in a public setting. I also let this coach know I would be doing so, so he could prepare his defense, Unlike some cowards would suggest that the next time it should be done anonymously. You obviously have great feelings for this man. He is a good man.
For the first time Waukegan will have 10,12, 14, 16, and 18U travel teams. This is good for his program.
Conversations were had. I still contend it is very demanding for one person to effectively build two Varsity programs.
Have a great week.
Shawn White

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Re: Who is watching the athletic director? - by Snoopy - 08-16-2009, 10:48 PM

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