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I said "You are diluted in your thinking"

I used it correctly, sir. You are weak in your thinking. Teachers report these things and administrators shrug their shoulders.

What would you like me to do sir? Stand on top of the school building in the nude with a sign that says, "We got students in this school, who shouldn't go here because they don't live in the district?" I wouldn't like that and I am sure you wouldn't either.

I have a job to do... teach.

You are oblivious to the fact that these responsibilities are that of the administrators yet you take it out on the teachers? Why is this?

I do not want to quarrel with you sir, I just don't understand why you think besides reporting it, you think I should throw a tantrum over it when I have other things to worry about like the education and lessons I have to do. It's the lazy principals that don't want to ruffle feathers that should be blamed.

What do you do sir as a taxpayer? Write in the blog here? Hmmmmm.... you have a larger vested interest in this being solved but you do absolutely nothing but sit in front of computer arguing with me.

Walk your behind to Lincoln Center and tell them how you feel. Tell Batiste that this is a problem. Ask him what he is doing to try to solve it?

I'm sorry I said you should loose your rights to even write in this blog, but you made me upset. I work really hard as a teacher. I know they are some who don't. Don't label us into one category.

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Re: RESIDENCY OF STUDENTS NEEDS TO BE CHECKED - by WaukTalk75 - 08-12-2009, 05:09 PM

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