08-11-2009, 11:57 PM
* Main Entry: 1di·lute
* Pronunciation: \dÄ«-Ëlüt, dÉ-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): di·lut·ed; di·lut·ing
* Etymology: Latin dilutus, past participle of diluere to wash away, dilute, from di- + lavere to wash â more at lye
* Date: circa 1555
1 : attenuate
2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture <diluted wine>
3 : to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture <dilute a color>
4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares
â di·lut·er or di·lu·tor \-Ëlü-tÉr\ noun
â di·lu·tive \-Ëlü-tiv\ adjective
* Main Entry: de·lude
* Pronunciation: \di-Ëlüd, dÄ-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): de·lud·ed; de·lud·ing
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin deludere, from de- + ludere to play â more at ludicrous
* Date: 15th century
1 : to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive, trick
2 obsolete a : frustrate, disappoint b : evade, elude
synonyms see deceive
â de·lud·er noun
* Pronunciation: \dÄ«-Ëlüt, dÉ-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): di·lut·ed; di·lut·ing
* Etymology: Latin dilutus, past participle of diluere to wash away, dilute, from di- + lavere to wash â more at lye
* Date: circa 1555
1 : attenuate
2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture <diluted wine>
3 : to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture <dilute a color>
4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares
â di·lut·er or di·lu·tor \-Ëlü-tÉr\ noun
â di·lu·tive \-Ëlü-tiv\ adjective
* Main Entry: de·lude
* Pronunciation: \di-Ëlüd, dÄ-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): de·lud·ed; de·lud·ing
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin deludere, from de- + ludere to play â more at ludicrous
* Date: 15th century
1 : to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive, trick
2 obsolete a : frustrate, disappoint b : evade, elude
synonyms see deceive
â de·lud·er noun