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Let's talk about neighborhood schools!!
Snoopy Wrote:Good to see some of the kids will get a bit of excersise by actually having to walk to school. Poor kids!
It is unfortunate that some will be displaced, a casualty of this whole picture. All in all, I think it is a good idea, one that I lived in my youth in Waukegan. Correct me if I am wrong, this money isn't saved by the district because of this, is bussing not funded separately by the state? Therefore it would not directly benefit the bottom line of the district? Please advise.
Shawn White

I agree, Shawn. This has been in planning for a couple of years now. A parent/citizen committee was formed to investigate and plan this switch; input from the community has been solicited all along. The meetings were held on Wednesdays, so I was unable to participate... but there has been ample opportunity for input over the past two years.

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Re: Let's talk about neighborhood schools!! - by kellyann1293 - 06-19-2009, 04:44 PM

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