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LC Cinco de Mayo festival canceled as flu cases rise
I thought I'd put this separate for any of us that were planning on going. There have been some confirmed cases in the Chicago area. The Navy Pier Cinco de Mayo event was canceled as well. One of the reasons was that many of the vendors were flying in from Mexico according to the article.

Cinco de Mayo festival cancelled

May 1, 2009

The Lake County Forest Preserve District’s Cinco De Mayo festival scheduled Sunday at the Greenbelt Cultural Center in North Chicago has been cancelled as local cases of suspected swine flu are on the rise.

Thursday morning, officials had said the event would proceed with precautions such as hand sanitizers available, but the decision was made later to cancel the event.

The Lake County Health Department said several suspected cases of swine flu across the county are being investigated, and at least two cases in Lake County have been designated as probable.

Possible cases statewide rose Friday from nine to 51 with three other cases confirmed, two in Chicago and one in DuPage County.

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LC Cinco de Mayo festival canceled as flu cases rise - by fedupinwaukegan - 05-01-2009, 12:08 PM

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