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Bob Sabonjian will be New York Times tomorrow
bravo to everyone who knew it was a "spin". those who have spoken to bob, know his positions. he does not want anyone harassed. that includes me.

i am lilly white, but i rec'd 3 (COUNT 'EM, THREE) tickets on the 28th of month - that's harassment. 1 was legit, 2 were bogus. but it was the end of the month. please know that i am 42 and have not rec'd any sort of ticket since i had my permit when i was 15!!!!! but now it's 3 in one day. that's bullshit!

that includes living in other cities, states and countries. no one has ticketed me as much as waukegan has in less than 1 year.

the change has come.

let's make money from tax revenue from new business instead of minor (non-existing) traffic/parking violations.

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Re: Bob Sabonjian will be New York Times tomorrow - by fintan1010 - 04-10-2009, 09:40 PM

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