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WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets
This is a very common scenario.

Folks, this is all planned procedure. Anyone who challenges police authority in any way is singled out for "special treatment" and intimidation. Question police once too many times and an honest citizen will find themselves getting tasered. Can you imaginge questioning the meter reader from the gas company becuase he read your meter wrong and when he runs out of good answers you get tasered. The goal is an undermining of the average persons rights and duty to speak out against unprofessional and unfair treatment. The police want no one to complain EVER... they wield the power and sadly, the willingness to abuse that power to effectively shut out any and all accountability. I think police are under the mistaken belief that this will make their jobs easier. This only amounts to bad public relations for police departments and leads to distrust of the police by people who normally would trust them, making their jobs even more difficult in the long run.

The only way this will ever get better is if the people speak out against it. I don't think that will happen because most people are too fearful of authority. We are a nation of PUSSIES. What good is Freedom of Speech if we are afraid to use it? Our wise Forefathers foresaw this and tried to address these issues in the Constitution and Bill of Rights but the Haters of Freedom have found a loophole or a workaround to those rights. Welcome the main ingredients for a Police State.

Messages In This Thread
Re: WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets - by Frankzilch - 03-29-2009, 04:26 PM
Re: WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets - by Danno - 03-29-2009, 08:07 PM
Re: WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets - by Danno - 03-29-2009, 08:26 PM
Re: WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets - by Danno - 03-29-2009, 08:57 PM
Re: WARNING! Invalid Parking Tickets - by Danno - 03-30-2009, 02:36 PM

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