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Wayne Motley GOES WILD on constituents
Snoopy Wrote:I read what you have presented. I have a couple of questions. If this arsenic has existed or does exist on the Orchard Hills site, I would conclude that it it would not be safe for either soccer player, golfer, softball player, or senior walkers. I question why the sudden sense of concern at this point?
I wonder the intention behind that this is presented to the City Council? I do not know you, nor do I wish to offend you. I do, however, find it peculiar that this is presented at the time of election of City Clerk.
I have known Wayne Motley for I'm guessing 30 years. He was Officer Friendly when I was a child at Whittier School. I got to know him better as a delinquent in my adolescent years. He showed me genuine concern in those days, and help me along the path of life. Our paths cross quite more often, the more I've become involved with the youth of Waukegan; I consider him my friend.
I wonder why you have chosen to present a Park District matter to the City Council? These are two separate offices. To remind everyone, the park board is not a paid position.
I have seen that Wayne's peers have honored him for his dedication to his position. I'll say, I was happy for him. Nice to see efforts rewarded.
Please separate the two positions and elect a City Clerk that has his peers of the State of Illinois on his side.

Shawn White
(224) 381-2834
I would guess you are referring to the Clerk of the Year award? I had a good laugh when I first saw that. I have to say, because of this, my faith in the sincerity of this award has been reduced to nil. Why do I say this? In my opinion and experience Wayne Motley is a poor city clerk and if this is the best we have in the entire state then we are in big trouble. One of the most important duties of the city clerk is the recording of the minutes of the city council meetings. This is an important duty because the minutes serve as a permanent record of the city council's actions for generations to come. Motley as clerk has done a terrible job recording these minutes. There are frequent omissions (some I suspect are intentional) and lack of detail that circumvent the statuatory requirements. If you don't believe me just do an internet search of other municipalities and compare the minutes, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Mr. Motley also overcharges (again outside the parameters of the statute) for FOIA requests. I have heard this overcharge was implemented to serve as a deterrent to openness. Also there has been some editing done on the video of the city council meetings. Sorry but I cannot vote for that.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wayne Motley GOES WILD on constituents - by Danno - 02-23-2009, 09:13 PM

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