In today's world THUGS have a really great chance of getting away with just about anything they wish. The LAW is on there side big time, loopholes, money, alibis, etc.. It could be discussed to no end that this clerk felt he had to do what THE LAW could or would not... he T.C.O.B. After all the kid has a looOOoong record of lawlessness. The clerk,... he obtained an
honest paying job.
With situations like this "JUST" maybe (it could and has been argued) the thug needed to be removed from society. After all he used a gun before & felt rather comfy using it again, just this time "IT" caught up with him. Personally I am all for, "You steal, you loose your fingers. Steal again, you loose a wee-bit more. Steal yet again, your gone". It's called "An eye for an eye". Now, in a legal way, have that 3 strike rule. I'm not too keen on this 3 to 1 odds. One could put it this way, the law abiding public has 3 to 1 chance they'll be killed before a gun toting robber.
This current society has gotten WAY to lenient.
YES yes yes everybody has rights, but if you play on the wrong side of the law you should only have 10% of the law that the abiding public has. Whereas this 10% will make that lawless person work 90% harder for their freedom. This "FREEDOM" needs to be earned, not just handed to.
YES the clerk needs some justification also,... A badge? A merit? maybe a blue ribbon? YAH RIGHT, you wish. He will get what's coming to him and probably by 12 of his peers, but the punishment will be much less than what the kid got AND ASKED FOR. The kid played by "street rules" the kid got justice by said "street rules".
Now "IF" I were the judge I'd also have the parents looked into by D.C.F.S.. Life could have been good for the kid, the wrong path, he did choose.
I sure hope this discussion is near finished, this story has been bantered almost to death.
