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TaxDay Tea Party
The Tea Party Movement Has Momentum
If the Tea Party movement is irrelevant, ineffective and out-of-touch – why does the left even bother with it? If the Tea Party movement is a small group of angry Republicans - why it is being treated as a huge threat to the liberal agenda and ideology? If the Tea Party movement is as insignificant as many liberals would like to believe – why spend the time to participate in smear campaigns against it?
The reality is the Tea Party movement has dramatically changed the political landscape of the 2010 election cycle. It was not too long ago that the only voices being heard across the nation were those of the politicians, but today we are hearing the voices of the American people. In many instances, people who once sat in their living rooms watching the evening news have now become the evening news themselves. What were once one-sided political speeches are now open dialogues between the politicians and the people.
Only someone in a state of complete denial would fail to recognize the voice of the American people has been restored (in great part) through the Tea Party movement. People, who used to look around the room before making political statements, are now making their statements in the public arena without regard for who may hear them.
Of course the liberals are angry with and in opposition to the Tea Party movement - it is not politically correct and it does not hide its head in the sand while allowing the world to go by in Washington, DC. And finally!….decisions that are made in Washington, must be made in light of the voices of the American people which have become too vocal to be ignored.
The Tea Party movement is being misrepresented and mischaracterized by the liberals, progressives and leftists – some of it intentional, some of it out of ignorance. One of the most blatant examples was a segment on the MSNBC program, “The Dylan Ratigan Show” in what was supposed to be an interview of Mark Williams from the Tea Party Express. Instead, it became a passionate and personal tirade from Ratigan manifesting his “anger”. Oddly enough, the left thrives in attaching the word “anger” to the Tea Party movement.
One of the most vivid illustrations of the recognizable force of the Tea Party movement is seen in Nancy Pelosi’s changing perception. It was not too long ago that she said the movement was not “grassroots” , but “astroturf” . In doing so, her purpose was to tie the Tea Party movement to the special interests of the wealthy by giving them tax cuts that would not be enjoyed by everyone else. Now she says, “we share some of the views of the Tea Partiers in terms of the role of special interest in Washington, D.C., as — it just has to stop. And that’s why I’ve fought the special interest, whether it’s on energy, whether it’s on health insurance, whether it’s on pharmaceuticals and the rest.”
It is not of importance as to what the liberal left paints the Tea Party movement to look like - they will paint what they will paint. What is important is that we know who we are and what we are about. Some in the Tea Party movement are trying to paint themselves as the “official leader or group within the movement” . The fact remains that there are thousands of freedom loving American people, with each individual “officially” making up what we know as the Tea Party movement. The day that fact changes, we will cease to be a movement and we will become an organization, with the power being transferred from the “many activists” across the country to the “few leaders” in the home office.
Movements are born in momentum, and right now, we must keep the momentum moving……..
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