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Know your Conspiracies
The USA has some citizens these days convinced of all kinds of hate-mongering "conspiracies."

From many in the "Tea Party Movement" to Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Alex Jones...
all kinds of paranoid "fears" are being drummed up more than ever basically because we now have a black man as President of the United States
who is getting things done to improve the quality of life for everyone in this country.

From critcally needed health care reform, to confronting the very real dire problem of global warming, to medical research (stem cell), to improved education, taking on the special interests....those who prefer the ho-hum, everything is great, "I got mine so the hXXX with you !" mentality are highly threatened by our new and inspired leadership.

We now have a host of conspiracies, so many, you need a score card to keep them all straight !
To wit:
the "starter" conspiracy, the "birther" conspiracy, the "Death Panel" conspiracy, the "New World Order" conspiracy, the "Bilderberg Group" conspiracy,
the "Council on Foreign Relations" conspiracy, the "Trilateral Commission" conspiracy to name only a few ! (lol)

NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE (February 12, 2010) has an excellent article entitled "Know Your Conspiracies." Here is the link:
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I highly recommend reading this article. It explains a lot of what is happening around us today, and why some may even be inspired to acts of violence,
like flying an airplane into a building in Austin, Texas where U S Government Offices reside.

Well, real maningful change to improve the lot of people's lives never comes easy. From our Founding Fathers including George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and now Barack Obama, it is all the same "good fight."

"We, the People" SPOKE and ELECTED Barack Obama as President with a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate. And "We, the People" will make future choices.

That's the wonder of our republic, The Ballot Box. So while the haters and conspiracy theorists spew forth their venom, I am confident that the
overwhelming majority of "We, the People" will not be deceived by all of this far-out banter.
how neat is that - there are no conspiracies on the left!
JazminH Wrote:how neat is that - there are no conspiracies on the left!

OK, then. Name some "...conspiracies on the left."
WT Reader is emulating her(his) heroes tactics from, the gutter-rated, MSNBC. They are, obviously, of the philosophy "If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough the people will believe it." I watch Glenn Beck and I wish Progressives like WT Reader would cite some specific examples when they accuse him of spewing hate and lies. I find his program to be educational and hopeful. Their problem is this, when they open their bible-- Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"-- they can't find anything in there instructing them how to brainwash an already informed and patriotic public. I lend meaning and truth to my words with my signature, Harold Beadling
Harold Wrote:They're just angry because in their Progressive zeal(don't waste an opportunity in a crisis) they overlooked the fact that they have not taught our young people to read well enough to comprehend their bible: Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" Harold Beadling

Yes, the "conspiracy theories" discussed in my initial posting above all operate from some form of "angry."
The only thing more ridiculous than saying the right is full of conspiracy theories is denying the fact that the left isn't. I seem to remember 8 years full of Bush knew about 9/11, the Iraq war was really for oil, Bush would institue a dictatorship, Bush would bring an end to separation of church and state, and Bush stole the election (twice). Entire movies were made about these fantasies (Fahrenheit 9/11 as an example). The Left got so desperate that they falsified evidence about Bush's military record (remember Dan Rather, where is he now?).

Both sides have their wackos. The difference is that the media gives credence to the Left's, while demonizing the right's. 90% of America doesn't buy into either extreme. Let's move on.
Harold Wrote:WT Reader is emulating her(his) heroes tactics from, the gutter-rated, MSNBC. They are, obviously, of the philosophy "If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough the people will believe it." I watch Glenn Beck and I wish Progressives like WT Reader would cite some specific examples when they accuse him of spewing hate and lies. I find his program to be educational and hopeful. Their problem is this, when they open their bible-- Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"-- they can't find anything in there instructing them how to brainwash an already informed and patriotic public. I lend meaning and truth to my words with my signature, Harold Beadling

LOL, where does it say anywhere in my initial post that began this thread that I am, to paraphrase, deriving my viewpoints from MSNBC??
I clearly referenced a link to NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE'S Feb 12, 2010 article titled "Know Your Conspiracies." Here is the link again:

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Harold, you are not citing actual quotes or referencing real facts in your above post about what I wrote here. You are manufacturing falsehoods to suit your own purposes to incite and create trouble here. "Emulating"...."heroes tactics"...."gutter-rated, MSNBC"..."I wish Progressives like WT Reader"...."how to brainwash" etc, etc, etc.

I don't recall assigning any labels to you anywhere on this forum, or attributing any nefarious undertakings such as "brainwashing" which you state above in reference to me.

It all gets really tiring in a hurry, Harold, even the Administrator of the WT Forums has asked you to "tone it down." Ever consider if you disagree to "disagree without being disagreeable"???
Harold Wrote:WT Reader is emulating her(his) heroes tactics from, the gutter-rated, MSNBC. They are, obviously, of the philosophy "If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough the people will believe it." I watch Glenn Beck and I wish Progressives like WT Reader would cite some specific examples when they accuse him of spewing hate and lies. I find his program to be educational and hopeful. Their problem is this, when they open their bible-- Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"-- they can't find anything in there instructing them how to brainwash an already informed and patriotic public. I lend meaning and truth to my words with my signature, Harold Beadling

LOL, where does it say anywhere in my initial post that began this thread that I am, to paraphrase, deriving my viewpoints from MSNBC??
I clearly referenced a link to NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE'S Feb 12, 2010 article titled "Know Your Conspiracies." Here is the link again:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Harold, you are not citing actual quotes or referencing real facts in your above post about what I wrote here. You are manufacturing falsehoods to suit your own purposes to incite and create trouble here. "Emulating"...."heroes tactics"...."gutter-rated, MSNBC"..."I wish Progressives like WT Reader"...."how to brainwash" etc, etc, etc.

I don't recall assigning any labels to you anywhere on this forum, or attributing any nefarious undertakings such as "brainwashing" which you state above in reference to me.

It all gets really tiring in a hurry, Harold, even the Administrator of the WT Forums has asked you to "tone it down." Ever consider if you disagree to "disagree without being disagreeable"???
WTReader wrote:
Quote:From many in the "Tea Party Movement" to Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Alex Jones...
all kinds of paranoid "fears" are being drummed up more than ever basically because we now have a black man as President of the United States
who is getting things done to improve the quality of life for everyone in this country.
I didn't refer to anyone as being racist, as you clearly stated above. Methinks 'you' are walking on thin ice. I have apologized for my transgressions, that's more than I can say for a few of the members on this forum who seem to have an unlimited capacity for polemics. Harold Beadling

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