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Welfare & Food Stamps
LOS ANGELES COUNTY - Figures from the Department of Public Social Services show that children of illegal aliens in Los Angeles County collected nearly $22 million in welfare and over $26 million in food stamps in June, according to county Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

Projected over a 12 month period, this would exceed $575 million.

Subjects: Illegal Immigration costs, L.A. Department of Public Social Services, Los Angeles County taxpayers, illegal aliens

Tell me why California is having budget problems? Is this type of information available somewhere on Lake County?goodintentions
Posts: 64
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:21 am
Dear Good Intentions, Do you know what your alderman and mayor is planning for your city's future? I can tell you this, for certain, they have no plans to crack down on gang activity, nor enforce any quality of life laws. Sell your house and move into one of the select Waukegan neighborhoods where the police are allowed to enforce quality of life laws.
I have heard several mail carriers talk about this on WKRS. They shared that there are many homes in Waukegan that receive multiple mailings with benefits under multiple names. They said they see there are men living there even though the person may be receiving 'single household' benefits.

Can they report what they see?
So why isn't code enforcement doing its job on "single family" homes???
Don't be silly ! Those men don't actually live there. They never do. (That would mess up the whole system.) And most of the time those men are just "brothers" or cousins" who are just staying a few days to help watch the kids. Come on people....get with the program. :lol:

Of what select Waukegan neighborhood do you speak?
The Newton Finn townies are everywhere
I give up, whats a Newton Finn Townee?
I know all about welfare and foodstamps, having worked in those areas since 1981. I can tell you that riots would break out if by some computerized screw up, those benefits were ever delayed. People who receive those benefits are often very hostile and aggressive and claim that the government is cheating them. There is no such thing as too much of a free benefit . Its a way of life for many people in Waukegan. Work a little, collect a little asistance, steal a little.

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