07-19-2009, 01:44 PM
When we went to one of the homes on the Waukegan Historical Society tour recently we saw this house. Does anyone know anything about it? Did find some pictures on a realtor's site. It was listed at only $84,000.
What a curious home...it's on Oak Tree Lane. Some beautiful homes on that road.
![[Image: BWIWebSize.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VTqgQltZ1SM/SSN3xO86FII/AAAAAAAABw4/ynlPQBOcnjw/s400/BWIWebSize.jpg)
More pictures of the inside
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tours2.vht.com/Viewer/PhotoGallery.aspx?ListingID=1176936&Style=BWICorp">http://tours2.vht.com/Viewer/PhotoGalle ... le=BWICorp</a><!-- m -->
Go to this link for some really interesting comments!!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.lovelylisting.com/2008/11/its-habitrail-you-know-for-kids.html">http://www.lovelylisting.com/2008/11/it ... -kids.html</a><!-- m -->
Bill's Bayou said...
Quite possibly the worst listing on this site. A link under each photo allows you to see them in their full Nikon D80 10-megapixel glory.
This house appears to be a mish-mash of styles and approaches to stability. There are exposed utilities of EVERY sort throughout. Floor tile on the wall, and carpet on the ceiling. The entire structure appears to be built on spindles. Unfinished drywall and collapsed ceilings with dangling lighting. But here are some interesting points:
Photo 2 (foyer): Blood spatter on the radiator panel. (floor level beneath window, left side)
Photo 6 (family room): What do those 15 switches, three knobs, and rainbow colored pipes control?
Photo 9 (view) Views a SWAMP.
But the BEST PHOTOS OF ALL are photos 1 and 3. There is an orange sticker visible in photo 3 which is missing in photo 1 (left side of photo 1 is the same door). Flipping photo 3 over in Photoshop reveals the message on the sticker "NOT APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY". This is not mentioned in the description.
The EXIF data shows that photo 3 was taken at 12:49 and photo 1 was taken at 12:50. THE STICKER WAS REMOVED FROM THE DOOR between the two shots by the photographer! I wonder if that's legal.
November 20, 2008 12:23 PM
![[Image: viewer_2.jpg]](http://tours2.vht.com/BWI/T1176936/still/viewer_2.jpg)
What a room...
What a curious home...it's on Oak Tree Lane. Some beautiful homes on that road.
![[Image: BWIWebSize.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VTqgQltZ1SM/SSN3xO86FII/AAAAAAAABw4/ynlPQBOcnjw/s400/BWIWebSize.jpg)
More pictures of the inside
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tours2.vht.com/Viewer/PhotoGallery.aspx?ListingID=1176936&Style=BWICorp">http://tours2.vht.com/Viewer/PhotoGalle ... le=BWICorp</a><!-- m -->
Go to this link for some really interesting comments!!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.lovelylisting.com/2008/11/its-habitrail-you-know-for-kids.html">http://www.lovelylisting.com/2008/11/it ... -kids.html</a><!-- m -->
Bill's Bayou said...
Quite possibly the worst listing on this site. A link under each photo allows you to see them in their full Nikon D80 10-megapixel glory.
This house appears to be a mish-mash of styles and approaches to stability. There are exposed utilities of EVERY sort throughout. Floor tile on the wall, and carpet on the ceiling. The entire structure appears to be built on spindles. Unfinished drywall and collapsed ceilings with dangling lighting. But here are some interesting points:
Photo 2 (foyer): Blood spatter on the radiator panel. (floor level beneath window, left side)
Photo 6 (family room): What do those 15 switches, three knobs, and rainbow colored pipes control?
Photo 9 (view) Views a SWAMP.
But the BEST PHOTOS OF ALL are photos 1 and 3. There is an orange sticker visible in photo 3 which is missing in photo 1 (left side of photo 1 is the same door). Flipping photo 3 over in Photoshop reveals the message on the sticker "NOT APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY". This is not mentioned in the description.
The EXIF data shows that photo 3 was taken at 12:49 and photo 1 was taken at 12:50. THE STICKER WAS REMOVED FROM THE DOOR between the two shots by the photographer! I wonder if that's legal.
November 20, 2008 12:23 PM
![[Image: viewer_2.jpg]](http://tours2.vht.com/BWI/T1176936/still/viewer_2.jpg)
What a room...