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Bob Sabonjian will be New York Times tomorrow
They are thanking ICRR for this victory. Didn't they support Mr. Guzman up until the last month?

[Image: waukegan.jpg?w=500&h=500]


Yesterday, in Waukegan, Illinois, a new mayor was elected. Former mayor, Richard Hyde, notorious for his anti-immigrant tactics and policies, was beaten in an upset. From our partners at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant Rights (ICIRR):

Mayor Hyde was reknown for his anti-immigrant harassment and Waukegan was the first city in Illinois to apply for the controversial 287g authority, permission for local police to enforce federal immigration laws. Waukegan became known for the racial profiling of its Latino citizens and harassment through measures like towing of the cars of immigrants. This caused many immigrants to leave the area, businesses to close, and homes to go into foreclosure. It also caused criminal activity to go unreported because immigrants are afraid to call the police when they have been victims or witnesses of crimes.

Over the last three years immigrant activists worked to assist over 1000 eligible waukegan immigrants to become citizens, and registered over 1000 Latinos to vote. Today the Latino voters turned out in force and turned Mayor Hyde out of office in a shocking upset. In the 9 precincts with the highest density of Latino voters voted for Sabonjian by a margin of 55% to Hyde’s 42%.

“The defeat of mayor Hyde shows the politics of anti-immigrant hate is rejected by both Latinos and by all Illinoians. The people of Waukegan, Illinois, and the United States want solutions to fix our broken immigration system, not cheap scapegoating of immigrants.” said Josh Hoyt, Executive Director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR).

Congratulations to new mayor, Bob Sabonjian, and to ICIRR for this exciting victory.

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Kapow! Two More Bite the Dust as Immigrants Celebrate on Election Night

Waukegan Latinos did not wait for Congress, however. They have known for years that Mayor Hyde was not their friend. Working with my organization, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, community leaders have worked doggedly over the past four years to build their electoral skills and political muscle. Last year, with our support, they created the Waukegan Leadership Council, where they have continued promoting civic participation of Latinos.

Non-partisan citizenship drives through churches, ethnic associations and social service agencies have assisted 2,321 legal immigrants to become naturalized citizens in Waukegan over the past four years. Non partisan voter registration efforts during the 2004, 2006 and 2008 election cycles has resulted in 2,643 new immigrant voters in Waukegan. And in 2008, immigrant organizations spent more than $250,000 doing non-partisan immigrant-voter mobilization in Lake County, including Waukegan. The Dan Seals campaign for Congress in the 10th CD against Mark Kirk had its immigrant field operation run by leaders and staff trained through this process. Seals captured over 70 percent of the Latino vote, and November proved to be a dry run for Tuesday's Mayoral election.

The results speak for themselves. Mayor-elect Sabonjian ran a spirited multi-ethnic campaign based on inclusion. He won with 54 percent of the vote, walking away with a 700 vote margin of the 7,500 votes cast. Challenger Sabonjian won every single one of the nine heavily Latino precincts targeted by the anti-Hyde activists, with margins as high as 69 percent to 31 percent (precinct 395) and 57 percent to 39 percent (precinct 392), with many around 56 percent to 41 percent. Two of Sabaonjian full-time Latino volunteers were former staff persons of ICIRR.

The Sabonjian upset in Waukegan and the role of the dogged, patient work of Latinos to exact their political revenge on Hyde is a defeat for the politics of hate in Illinois and should make anti-immigrant politicians like Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran and Congressmen Mark Kirk and Dan Lipinski take notice for the future. But on Tuesday night it was all smiles as Latinos celebrated with Mayor-elect Sabonjian at the victory party -- which was held in the Mexican restaurant La Chapala, as Sabonjian supporters chanted, "Si Se Puede! Yes We Can!"

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A Spin-o-rama!
bravo to everyone who knew it was a "spin". those who have spoken to bob, know his positions. he does not want anyone harassed. that includes me.

i am lilly white, but i rec'd 3 (COUNT 'EM, THREE) tickets on the 28th of month - that's harassment. 1 was legit, 2 were bogus. but it was the end of the month. please know that i am 42 and have not rec'd any sort of ticket since i had my permit when i was 15!!!!! but now it's 3 in one day. that's bullshit!

that includes living in other cities, states and countries. no one has ticketed me as much as waukegan has in less than 1 year.

the change has come.

let's make money from tax revenue from new business instead of minor (non-existing) traffic/parking violations.
I'm going to post this here too so everyone sees it. We really do need the right person for the job and not a relative or campaign promise appointment. We will all be watching.

Mayor-elect plans department review

April 11, 2009
By JIM NEWTON <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

WAUKEGAN -- Mayor-elect Bob Sabonjian said Friday he is not planning to repeal Waukegan's towing ordinance, that he does plan to exercise his right as mayor to review and appoint department heads, and that broad support led to his election.

Sabonjian said he wanted to address several issues based on "rumors" circulating around the city since his upset victory over incumbent Mayor Richard Hyde on Tuesday.

He said that while Hispanic voters clearly played a large role in his election, other segments of the community were active as well.

Sabonjian said his wife commented on the attendees of his victory party by saying "this is Waukegan," and that attendees included Hispanics, African-Americans and whites, as well as blue-collar and white-collar workers.

Sabonjian also stressed that he has not promised jobs to any of his campaign workers.

"There are no done deals or promises," he said.

Resumes will be solicited for department head jobs, Sabonjian said, and in some instances new people may be appointed.

"The mayor has the right to appoint department heads, and I do want to exercise my right to see who I want to run those departments," he said. "It's not going to be politics. It will be finding the best person for the job."

Sabonjian said he plans to meet one-on-one with City Council members to discuss their issues and priorities and says he expects to work well with the council.

He also dismissed claims that he would eliminate the city's towing ordinance.

"If you are driving with no license and no insurance, your car will be taken," Sabonjian said, but he added that he wants the city to review procedures following such seizures.

He said he wants to more fully explore returning cars to those who can prove they have licenses or can transfer ownership of the vehicle, and suggested that the current $500 fine may be excessive.

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Fox Chicago News was at Anastasia's last night, Thu 4/14/09. This is a link to the story and broadcast; including a brief statement from Bob:

A Look at Waukegan's Economy
Interesting. I have a hard time believing Waukegan is 70% Hispanic. Is that just proud boasting or reality?
It just sounds like a hostile take over of my hometown.
:-( :o
according to the hispanic population of waukegan is 44.8% is a FACT based website used by all major news and government organizations.

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