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Roland Burris
Well, well...seems like Roland 'Mr Clean' Burris got his son a $75,000 a year job, thanks to Blago.

Instead of paying Blago to get the seat, Blago paid him.
What's the latest on this? Is the new Gov permanent or interim?
Blackdiamond Wrote:What's the latest on this? Is the new Gov permanent or interim?

Really BD, sometimes I think you are making these things up Big Grin

Do ever watch the news? Even if you don't get some papers you can read them for free online. or

To answer your question. Yes, Governor Quinn is permanent. He was the Lt Govenor when Blago was thrown out of office so he assumes the office of Governor to fill out the rest of Blago's term. Just like a vice president would assume the presidency and finish the presidents term if something happened to the president.

In 2010 Quinn can run again for govenor and if he is not elected then he is not the govenor anymore.

Just in case you were referring to Burris. He was appointed by Blago to complete Obama's senate term. Blago appointed him while he(Blago) was not under indictment or impeachment so the appointment is totally legal.
I'll be damned---(Here goes another crazy question) Did Burris get the seat? I just read the Obituraries to see if I'm still alive. Wink I depend on this Forum to get the real news. If you don't talk about it---I don't know about it. 8-)
Oh, yes, Queen- he got the seat. And after swearing over and over again he NEVER talked to Blago about money in exchange, he now admits he talked to a
few people about "campaign funds" for Blago- big money. :o
You know, this is a bunch of bull! Could you or I get away with that? I'm glad he's not in Lake County because he'd get my wrath :evil:

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