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Let's Make A Deal (we all chose the wrong door)
I knew when Obama came in he would start spending but wow, this is really something. He is about to spend, in his first few weeks of being president more money than was spent on WWII, Vietnam and the Iraq war combined. McCain was right. He warned us Obama was going to spend but who thought it would be on such a large scale?

I know we are in a mess, and what is this "we are in this because of the last 8 years of Bush" crap. For one thing things starting going bad when the democrats took over both houses of congress the last two years. And for another this whole things started many years ago during Clinton's years too. Bad policies as they pertained to Freddie and Fannie. Bad policies as it pertains to illegal immigration and how we much we spend on the illegals. Bad oversite by the SEC and other government oversite committees. There is enough blame to go around for everyone in both parties and there is a lot of blame to go around to the individual as well. People buying homes they cannot afford. Sure they were suckered into it by the lending institutions but come on. You maybe make 60k a year and you're buying a 300k house? Where has common sense gone to. I guess common sense died off years ago.

Like I said I know something has to be done but I don't like his we have to do it RIGHT NOW or we are doomed. How much accountability is there going to be? They are planning on giving 250 billion to the states. I don't know about the other states but what about Illinois? You know they are not going to to the right thing with it. All Illinois will do is shore up the bankrupt pension systems. How much will really go to helping the individual? I can see the top Illinois officials giving fat contracts to their buddies with this bailout money.

This smells, this smells really bad.
I can send you some Air Freshner ,if it will help your situation. Open your windows and let the fresh air in. :lol:

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