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Somebody got their license to practice? See below. This is another race that needs to be followed closely. Certain people.....  hock:
7 file for Waukegan School Board seats
January 29, 2009
By RYAN PAGELOW <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
WAUKEGAN -- Seven people will compete for four seats on the Waukegan Community District 60 School Board in the April 7 election.
The four incumbents, who filed before Monday's deadline, include Bill Anderson, Anita Hanna, June Maguire and Michael Rodriguez, who was appointed following the death of Patricia Jones in June 2007.
Three challengers have filed for the four 4-year terms. They are attorney Margaret Carrasco, who served on the board from 1992 to 1993 and from 1995 to 1997; retired Navy veteran Tony Elam; and Steven Orusa, a training officer captain for the Waukegan Fire Department.
Rodriguez, Elam and Orusa are running together on a slate.
Challenges to candidacy petitions must be filed by Feb. 2.
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Now the Michael Rodriguez friends and fans will be comforted that he will be just one of four, running for election and involved in the conspiracy, that will publicly be held accountable for their actions, while they are up for election.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere / Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter / Injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates - Martin Luther King Jr.
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Carrasco rears her ugly carrot head yet again.... :roll:
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freedomisntfree Wrote:Now the Michael Rodriguez friends and fans will be comforted that he will be just one of four, running for election and involved in the conspiracy, that will publicly be held accountable for their actions, while they are up for election.
Give it a rest and let the courts decide. I'll never condone illegal activity, but because you say it is so, does not mean it is so. Nice to take shots at a man you do not even know, never cared to get to know. Let the courts have their say. I know Mike and have seen the countless hours that he puts in serving this district. I have seen the many concerned parents that he has invited into his home to discuss their troubles. I have seen him spend countless hours with district business, at the same time, running a successful service business which he happens to be an expert at.
I know this man. I know that he is dedicated to making Waukegan a better place to live. I know this man to dream of a better place for his family that attends WPS 60, and for you and I. I trust this man. I am a friend to his entire family, and decided to work for him long after I have known his family.
I can not sit idly by any longer and read the spew you put forth. If you are right, sir, you stand to win some of my hard earned tax dollars. I hope that is not the case. I want to believe my tax dollars are spent wisely, and trust Mike Rodriguez to do so.
My name is Shawn White. I am an Army veteran, I am a friend, and am involved with youth sports in Waukegan. I do not just talk about a problem. I search for a solution and do my best to resolve it, hopefully not offending many, as you have done here sir.
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Am I free to respond to Snoopy and his specific statements despite the fact that it may cause him distress? It is clear now as before, that Snoopy will not leave the subject or me alone, even after I have stopped responding to him and apologized for what seemed to be some type of distress, after your intervention. It is not fair for the forum to allow him to keep replying to me after you have chastised me for replying to his comments. You stated:
Your bone to pick is with WPS, not Snoopy. Stop harassing him about Mike Rodriguez and keep your sights on the district.
This has gone on long enough - let it end here.
It is not fair for him to continue to be allowed to be a mouthpiece for Mike Rodriguez, offer his opinion and lie about ongoing issues without me having the chance to make my points without fear of being chastised by admin. I apologized directly and publicly to Snoopy after re-reading his post, because I was concerned about him due to the statement he made: "I do not like myself when I become frustrated with people."
Can you remove his post and ask him to not discuss or reply further to anything related to the Waukegan School System or the board members? Or tell me publicly on this forum that I have the right to now reply to any and all of his comments and fully respond to HIS allegations against me?
As before, Snoopy (aka Mike Rodriguez's employee Shawn White) is actively acting as an agent of a current board member that is seeking election and that should make his comments fair game, especially when they are false in fact.
Thanks for your assistance,
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere / Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter / Injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates - Martin Luther King Jr.
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"The length of this document protects it well from being read" - Winston Churchill
They all had every chance to follow district policy, state law and federal law and protect the children, staff, employees and TAXPAYERS. This email will be complained about by many but you the voters, taxpayers, parents, employees, friends and associates of the current board need to know the truth, not the lies that they want you to believe. They are using you. Please start asking questions to protect yourself from them in the future. Please read the information below and get informed so you can elect people that will protect YOU not themselves at YOUR EXPENSE. How many schoolchildren will be shorted when up to 5 lawsuits get resolved.
I encouraged Katie to put everything in writing as soon as it was clear there was a problem. She put it in writing and when I got involved so did I. I did not want any possibility that down the road, any member of the board, board attorney or the administration could have any excuse for their action. I didn't want any possiblity that they could evade, lie or try to act ignorant. I did not want any possibility that others could step forward and defend them and justify their actions while the conspirators acted like they didn't know what was going on.
My wife asked several times for all of her information to be sent to the board. My wife asked several times for the board to become involved. My wife asked for information to be sent to the board prior to her termination. My wife tried to go to her termination hearing but was under a doctor's care and still to ill to attend while on FMLA. I went there simply to ask for it to be delayed for a couple of weeks while she was under a doctor's care. They asked if I was there to represent her in the hearing. I told them I could represent her in the hearing. As soon as I said that they stated, it was against the Board's Attorney advice. (This decision had already been made before I got there.) Katie and I put her presentation, that she was too ill to give on CD, so I could hand the cd's to the board before her termination and directly in open session ask them to delay it for a couple of weeks - they called the police and prevented me from giving it to the board. The Waukegan Police Officers promised to give it directly to the board.)
As soon as my wife notified them that I was going to represent her, Batiste sent a letter, copied to the board, saying they had followed all procedures. This was my response to the board asking for a direct meeting with the entire board, including Mike Rodriguez. Mike Rodriguez and the rest of the board know exactly what was going on an still goes on. When they continue to lie to their friends, family and associates it's just part of the continuing conspiracy.
The following is a read reciept from Mike Rodriguez:
From: []
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 9:33 PM
To: Ron Sartin
Subject: Read: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Your message
To: "'Anderson, Bill'" <> "'Garza, Domingo '" <> "'Hanna, Anita'" <> "'Hawn, Mark'" <> "'Maguire, June'" <> "'Mayfield-Jedkins, Rita'" <> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Subject: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Sent: Mon, November 12, 2007 6:22 pm
Was displayed on Mon, November 12, 2007 9:33 pm
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
The above read reciept proves he got this email and it's four page detailed attachment:
From: Ron Sartin []
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 6:22 PM
To: 'Anderson, Bill'; 'Garza, Domingo '; 'Hanna, Anita'; 'Hawn, Mark'; 'Maguire, June'; 'Mayfield-Jedkins, Rita'; <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'">'</a><!-- e -->'
Subject: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential
To the Waukegan School Board of Education:
Please review the attached confidential letter sent in response to Donaldo Batistes' letter but intended for the board. I would appreciate your direct help in this matter. Would it be possible for just one of you to call me to discuss arrangements for a confidential meeting to discuss the issues with the administration? I would appreciate the opportunity to have a confidential meeting where issues can be freely discussed in private and properly resolved in an appropriate professional way.
Ron Sartin
<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
The following is a read reciept from Mike Rodriguez:
From: []
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 9:26 PM
To: Ron Sartin
Subject: Read: FW: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Your message
To: "'Anderson, Bill'" <> "'Garza, Domingo '" <> "'Hanna, Anita'" <> "'Hawn, Mark'" <> "'Maguire, June'" <> "'Mayfield-Jedkins, Rita'" <> <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Subject: FW: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Sent: Thu, November 15, 2007 2:54 pm
Was displayed on Mon, November 19, 2007 9:25 pm
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
The above read reciept proves he got this email and it's four page detailed attachment:
From: Ron Sartin []
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:55 PM
To: 'Anderson, Bill'; 'Garza, Domingo '; 'Hanna, Anita'; 'Hawn, Mark'; 'Maguire, June'; 'Mayfield-Jedkins, Rita'; <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'">'</a><!-- e -->'
Subject: FW: Confidential reply RE: Regarding settlement discussions with the Waukegan Public Schools Board
Sensitivity: Confidential
To the Waukegan School Board of Education:
Thank you for your time. I have not received any acknowledgement that you have received my email, my request or my confidential letter requesting the board's direct help with this issue. I have not received any acknowledgement that you intend to request the emails detailing events over the last 15 months and independently review what has happened to Katie.
Katie and I would appreciate the opportunity to have a confidential meeting, directly with the board, where issues can be freely discussed in private and all issues are resolved in an appropriate professional way.
Because 15 months have passed since this started, so much has happened, we currently have no access to Katie's office, email or computer records and Katie's health was terribly affected during some of this time, we present the following information as accurately as we can. The Board of Education however, has access to all of the information at Lincoln Center and almost everything that happened to Katie was documented in emails or written correspondence by Katie to the administration as it happened. It should be very easy for you to assemble very accurate information about the issues, we report and correct any factual errors if there are any. And because you will have all of the email records of the administrations responses for the last 15 months, you will be able to put together a timeline that should be very helpful.
I believe it is the board's policy that everyone in the district deserves due process. When the problem is with the administration as detailed in the attached letter and in additional information provided below, the next step up the ladder is the Waukegan Public School's Board of Education. Is it really due process when meetings are scheduled by an administration that clearly knows that the subject of that meeting cannot attend? Is it really due process when information requested to be forwarded to the Board several times, including before they even started the termination proceedings, is not presented to you? Is it due process when the information provided to you is inaccurate and incomplete to say the least. Is it due process when the information that Katie needed to present her defense to you is denied to you by the administration?
What was the administration's original reaction to this request, when Katie tried to blow the whistle to the board about their actions did it lead to termination action, perhaps? Why didn't they just simply forward the 15 months of emails to the board as Katie requested? Were they covering something up? Were they trying to protect themselves?
Why deny comp-time that had been approved months before and was worked at the direction of the administration itself, unless that time would now interfere with their termination plans. Why didn't they reconcile her time as requested rather than dismissing it? We have reconciled her time even after being provided 2 or 3 different versions of what the administration had in their official records. Would you like the reconciled accounting of her time including the comp-time that is owed but denied by the administration?
Why deny time entitled under the contract unless it would interfere with their termination plans? Why go back and then change the terms of the contract by pro-rating it, and use that information when you present to the board, prior to the board taking any action, meaning she still had the time? In fact, if you read an email from the HR department to Katie you'll also see the problem on this same issue. Of course she had it, they just denied her the right to use it even before the board, that must approve the administrations actions, had been involved.
Why did the administrator change her position without the boards approval? Why was it twice in ten months to be announced before he had even spoke with her or the board? Why did an administrator that she had worked so closely with prior to the comments, after the comments now report that he didn't work with her, didn't know what she did, didn't know her skills but needed them in another position? Does that even make sense? Before he made the offensive comments, he knew her well enough to tell her, "I need to get you working for someone besides your current boss", an Executive Director at the time. He also stated, "Would you like more autonomy to get things done?"
He had plans to have Katie, working with others, develop a completely new way to report the budget/financial information similar to what he had previously done in Louisiana. He gave Katie a book that was about an inch and half thick and asked Katie to call a contact at his former district. Katie did make the call. The project was put on hold because he needed her to straighten out the HR problems preventing him from getting the board accurate budget and staffing data. The HR director and manager refused to update the administrative software with accurate staffing information needed for Katie to generate an accurate budget and staffing report. This went on for 5 months although HR department has held this up for over 8 years. This might lead you to question what the budget and staffing information you were presented was based on.
Could it have been the administration was trying to protect themselves from Katie, because information they provided to the board, was less than accurate? Were they afraid that someone might expose this information because she had already questioned an administrator about it? For example important budgetary information that didn't even make sense to the very same administration. How would you like to sit in a meeting with several of these administrators and be asked to generate reports but know you couldn't do it. Requiring you to raise these issues with three department directors or managers as the senior administrator went around the table. When Katie asked how could she generate the requested information, two of the three stated that Katie could not generate accurate information from the CIMS administrative software system and that they would have to manually create it. The third person, a manager in HR assures the senior administrator that the information is accurate that she presented. Katie knows that it didn't come from the CIMS administrative software and she could not therefore generate reports to reconcile it. The senior administrator during a subsequent conversation winks at Katie while teasing the female HR manger that lead to the HR manager being visibly upset. Do you still think that this senior administrator that she had worked closely with prior to the comments and now reports that he didn't work with her, didn't know what she did, didn't know her skills but needed them in another position was being truthful?
What was that staffing information based on? Do you still think that the HR administrator and other administrators, because of the situations exposed are acting professionally towards Katie? After the above meeting, Katie asked the same HR manager for the backup for the staffing data and to her surprise for the first time in five months she gave it to Katie. Katie was sure that it was inaccurate and concerned that it would seriously affect the budget. When she went through it she was shocked. She marked it up and presented it to the senior administrator that had been told it was accurate. After providing information clearly showing that all the data was suspect and that a large part of staffing data relied on for the districts budget, did not even come from anything that the administration, HR, Payroll or even anyone from Lincoln Center had created, reviewed or reconciled, to the senior administrator - she did not get a response. And she was not invited to discuss, review or reconcile the data even though it meant that the staffing and budget data presented to the board, was not based on accurate information and to say the least - would have been shocking to the board.
So why did they try to send her to a clinical psychologist when they had known about her BP problems for a long time? Was their something in their actions that might cause Katie great distress? Could it have been intentional? Why did they refuse to send her emails to the clinical psychologist? Why did they say it was at the direction of the board but when questioned on it changed their story a couple of times. Why did they refuse to follow the very law that they cited? Why did they ignore the other laws over and over?
Or could it have been that an administrator that made offensive comments to Katie, a long term female employee of the district while they were alone in his office was trying to protect himself? The very reason he made the comment was the exact same reason he shouldn't have made it. I will be glad to provide additional information about the comments if you request it.
Did the administrator that made the offensive comments 4 months earlier become alarmed after the female employee who had suffered silently for four months, finally had the nerve to question him, on June 28, 2007, about his offensive comments?
Could this be the very same administrator that twice had already accepted responsibility for his actions over 10 months towards Katie? Did this administrator assure Katie that what had happened to her over and over for the last 10 months would not be repeated? Did the administrator accept responsibility for his actions over the last 10 months in front of other administrators that were in his office during this phone call? Did this very same administrator have a problem containing himself and have a "good chuckle" during the same conversation when he questioned why Katie felt she needed protection?
Did this same senior administrator tell Katie that there was no question about her time and would be no scrutiny even after another administrator had already told her that he had tried to obtain it and a union president was already scrutinizing it for months and months?
Were all of their actions were being directed by the same senior administrator? Actually two administrators stated that the same senior administrator was making all of the decisions related to her. Why was it so important for an administrator to start his action against her with the statement, "since the beginning of my tenure on July 1, 2007". Could it have been to protect the senior administrator that, by his own admission, had already screwed up numerous times over the last 10 months and had been confronted about it only two days before July 1, 2007, just before he did it again? The administrator that wrote that letter, several times only weeks before had already told Katie that all decisions regarding her were being made at the direction of that same senior administrator. The same senior administrator that made the offensive comments, Katie had confronted about his comments, twice accepted responsibility for his actions against her over 10 months and he still chuckled during a phone conversation to resolve the very same issues. And to the point about her time not being scrutinized, why during this phone conversation just after the rollover of the year, did he ask her if she had enough time? Why did he deny earlier that he was scrutinizing her time? Does that make sense?
Why would the administration, during the termination action lie about their actions over the last two months in such an important matter? Would you like to review the irrefutable evidence about the investigation that proves it was a lie?
Why was her status and the information used against her changed over and over? Were they just that incompetent or were they trying to figure out the best angles to protect themselves?
Katie and I are still hoping that the board will see thru the actions of the administrators over the last 15 months and do the right thing for Katie and the district. Katie and I will be glad to provide the board any information that you need if you elect to investigate the issues that we have already reported to you. Katie and I believe that you should have the right, on behalf of the district, to have accurate and complete information presented to you when the administration presents a budget, a termination request or any other action requested of you or requested by you when working with the administration.
Now that you have more information, we are hoping that it will be clear, that the letter that Donaldo Batiste sent on November 9, 2007 and in which he states, "At this point, there is nothing further to discuss. We are unaware of any basis for a "settlement." All procedural requirements were followed, and the Board has evaluated the substance of the matter." because of the reported actions of a few members of the administration against Katie, we believe it could not have been further from the truth.
We would appreciate the opportunity to have a confidential meeting, directly with the board, where issues can be freely discussed in private and all issues are resolved in an appropriate professional way. Please let us know on or before Friday November 16, 2007, if you need more time, would like more information or you are interested in meeting.
Ron Sartin
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere / Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter / Injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates - Martin Luther King Jr.
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As I stated in my other post, I am very new to this forum and am trying my best to enjoy reading it. But, to be honest, it seems that it is simply a platform for this Ron Sartin guy to complain about this "Conspiracy" to get his wife.
It seems that no matters which thread I look at, Sartin is there, over-explaining this conspiracy.
I have had enough of this "Conspiracy" and enough of this Ron Sartin, so I will be leaving this forum until the "Conspiracy" is put to rest, or Sartin is put away.
Thanks for the invitation to read this forum and good bye.
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The sniping and back and forth are done as are the conspiracy posts.
Enough is enough and if there's a next time, there will be trips to the penalty box.