03-28-2010, 08:51 AM
Good for Jenkins and Garza at least you can say you didnt get thrown under the bus by the superintendent Batiste like the rest of your board members did.
Quote from the Newsun: "Superintendent Donaldo Batiste did not approve these cuts, Alajakis said".
WHAT?????? If the superintendent isnt behind or approved the cuts WHO DID??? Hahn???? Rodriguez????? WHO is throwing out the teachers that are in the trenches everyday and working against huge odds to make things happen. WHO is behind cutting from a teacher pay scale that is lower then North Chicago, Zion, Warren and Round Lake????
Im glad the guy Batiste who is making 260,000 a year was NOT behind this.. or was he? I think he is now just throwing the board to the wolves. Every board member knows down deep it was a bad move to go after the teachers in Waukegan. Its hard enough to get teachers to come here in the first place.
Quote from the Newsun: "Superintendent Donaldo Batiste did not approve these cuts, Alajakis said".
WHAT?????? If the superintendent isnt behind or approved the cuts WHO DID??? Hahn???? Rodriguez????? WHO is throwing out the teachers that are in the trenches everyday and working against huge odds to make things happen. WHO is behind cutting from a teacher pay scale that is lower then North Chicago, Zion, Warren and Round Lake????
Im glad the guy Batiste who is making 260,000 a year was NOT behind this.. or was he? I think he is now just throwing the board to the wolves. Every board member knows down deep it was a bad move to go after the teachers in Waukegan. Its hard enough to get teachers to come here in the first place.