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Genesee - Girls Night
Once again a disappointment. I went to the Genesee on Saturday night with a dozen of my co-workers for a fun night out with the girls. My first disappointment came with the VIP party before the show. Our "gift bags" consisted of a few sales flyers for local businesses and some stuff from the maid's cart at the local hotel. Mind you we paid extra money for the VIP party - so I was expecting a little more. I can say I was happy with the caterers - the food was very good - their staff very nice. But then seriously - to have massages in one corner - and one massage station - talk about a wait line!
Then it was time for the play. The theater as usual, wasn't very full. What a disappointment. Such a beautiful venue, and nobody supports it. The musical was interesting. Altho it wasn't billed as such - it was pretty raunchy at times - but the performers were funny and great entertainers. I wish they were performing to a packed house - because they derserved it the way they were dancing around and singing on that stage.
Its amazing we can even get performers to come to Waukegan to play to an empty theatre.
I find it sad.

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