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Mayor Newton Finn - Printable Version

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Mayor Newton Finn - sifting bird - 02-03-2010

The word on the street is that Newton Finn is the voice inside Mayor Sabonjian's head these days. Curious really when you consider that Robin Schabes who has been nothing short of a disaster gets promoted, Ray Vukovich who helped drive Waukegan deep into the ground over the last 8 years has maintained his exact position and salary and most importantly nothing but strife and controversy continue between the Mayor's office and City Council.

In the advisory role he has slipped into, has Newton been providing poor counsel; or perhaps planting the seeds of sabotage within the current administration in preparation for his anticipated run in the next mayoral election?

I only ask because as the Mayor's advisor certainly Newton can plainly see, as we all can, the weak links administratively within City Hall that should have been jettisoned and replaced with competent professionals at the very beginning of Mayor Sabonjian's administration.

The very fact that those that find themselves closely around the Mayor and in advisory roles have all apparently agreed that vigorous and promised changes should be avoided is enormous cause for concern. I would have suspected that Newton himself would have been scary vigilant in this role.

Huge questions of budget and finance, operations and nepotism, corruption and constant un-professional disregard for the good of our fine City are what fueled an ousting of the longtime Democratic foothold on the fragile neck of Waukegan. Yet here we are a year later and the major players are still major players, and those who have had the opportunity to stand tall and assemble opinion and support for change have seemingly become complacent or have alternate personal agendas that are yet to be seen.

Re: Mayor Newton Finn - verenablock - 02-03-2010

Unfortunately, the mayor has chosen to surround himself with a lot of the same people who have been running this town for decades instead of the people who supported him during the election. I can't say I am particularly surprised, but I am extremely disappointed.

Re: Mayor Newton Finn - Grover - 02-03-2010

Amen Verena & Sifting!

I am so glad others see what a disaster this has all become.

SB, please, please tell us what type of promotion Robin has been awarded? Hopefully, it's a promotion having something to do with another city. Please hear that it pains me to say that about another human. I am not this calleous; I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, but Robin, come on...what do you DO all day?!

Start thinking about upcoming elections and thinking who can be shoulder-tapped to take the lead in these positions folks. It's time to rise up and take our city back...what is left of it anyway...

Newton is no dummy and knows how the game is played...Maybe (?) he'd be a good candidate (Just throwing it out there; don't kill me for simply asking!) for Mayor?

Folks...who wants to bring some CLASS back to this city? It's time to welcome back residents (new & old) & leadership who will transform this city into the beautiful place it once was...We've got such potential...we just have to use it!

Re: Mayor Newton Finn - sifting bird - 02-04-2010

Newton had his chance; Newton HAS his chance as an advisor - failed and is failing.

Bob Sabonjian can still salvage his administration, but has to step it up and get back to the platform on which he campaigned. The current perception is Newton is running the show and things are looking grim.

Time to shed the stigma of insider back room dealings and start fresh. Newton Finn brings history of conflict with the current council and was a poor choice to be Corporation Counsel because of that obvious and documented baggage. However (at least in my opinion) there was hope he'd champion a cleaning of house. Not only has the friction with council remained because of Newton's involvement, adminstrative changes long overdue and justified are being overlooked.

We don't need CLASS in City Hall, we need leaders who can understand and identify what needs to be done to turn Waukegan around. Leaders that can form coalition regionwide to slowly pick apart, piece by piece the cancer that has become politics and buisniess as usual in Waukegan. Sooner or later, somebody has to make the big incision thru 30 years of stigma and tear the flesh of our City to start to pull the tentacles of the disease away from what scarcely remains of a great community.

Re: Mayor Newton Finn - Danno - 02-04-2010

Hey, maybe we could get some guru looking guy to team up with an architect toady to con the city council to spend 30 or 40 million dollars on a "no expenses spared" restoration of the old library, on the premise that it would cure what ails the city. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Re: Mayor Newton Finn - TypesWithFist - 02-04-2010

Danno Wrote:Hey, maybe we could get some guru looking guy to team up with an architect toady to con the city council to spend 30 or 40 million dollars on a "no expenses spared" restoration of the old library, on the premise that it would cure what ails the city. Yeah, that's the ticket!


Re: Mayor Newton Finn - sifting bird - 02-04-2010

Yes! Perfect! Well said Danno!

Bravo! You've hit the nail on the head!