Waukegan Talk
Toc, Professional development - Printable Version

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Toc, Professional development - nowinvolved - 12-18-2009

So you think you're protected by the constitution to voice your opinion?....Bastiste had promised anonymity. Think again.......NOT!!

Professional development
As a parent, I have always wondered why my child's current school cannot meet state requirements. I have come to find out that the reason Waukegan schools are not meeting state requirements is because the teachers are constantly out on "professional development." At my child's school, Webster Middle School, there were at least 15 teachers out for about three days due to training (inside the building). So parents, it's not that your child is dumb or can't grasp on to what they are learning, but how can they learn when they have substitutes on a daily basis? Speak up, parents. These are our children and they are our future!


The above posted in the 12/16 News Sun TOC. Guess who ID'ed this anon. poster? {Bastiste}... then sent it to the principal (Brixey) who suspended Parent/employee with threat of termination----

Go for it Waukegan Admin!! I hope this employee sues your ass off and never has to work for this district again!!!

Re: Toc, Professional development - WaukTalk75 - 12-19-2009

Um are you aware that Principals approve the professional development and that the training for the teachers is part of the School Improvement Plan to MAKE ISAT SCORES?

If your unhappy about this I would ask the district why they don't plan these events on NON student attendance days?

Re: Toc, Professional development - countymounty - 12-21-2009

If you care -do not post anything on here you dont want coming back to you. The last "townie" board was infliltrated and there were lists of user names matched up with who those people really were (guesstimation maybe...but I know alot of cops,city officials,teachers, coaches and administrators knew exactly who was posting on here). They will tell you this blog stuff is safe and annonymous, however nothing is in this day and age. How about the old fashion way....talk to the person directly! This should have a disclaimer --for entertainment only-- that way the lawsuits wont be streaming in, like what was going to happen on the old board until they pulled the plug.

Re: Toc, Professional development - Harold - 01-23-2010

Yea! Go for it, so all taxpayers can pay for another bull$#!+ lawsuit.

Re: Toc, Professional development - Harold - 01-23-2010

Our political representation is a mirror image of the quality of the citizen/voter. It's comical to watch the political process unfold in Waukegan only resulting in the reelections of the same names, all the while adding their relatives and friends to the roster along the way, as positions open up. I don't have much hope for the future of Waukegan unless we can elect citizens who aren't running for office because they need the paycheck and overly-generous benefit package. This is not what our founding fathers envisioned for our federal gov't and we would be wise to follow their philosophy at the local level. Anyone care to discuss abolishing our bloated Township government? Have you looked at the pay and benefit package of these people lately? Start with Patricia Jones, I'm sure you will be pleased to learn what you provide her in pay and benefits, including the car, fuel, monthly expense account...

Re: Toc, Professional development - Harold - 01-23-2010

Dear countymounty, Your statements cause me to wonder if you ever took the time to read our Declaration of Independence and Constitution? Thank God our founding fathers were willing to put their names and lives on the line, otherwise, we wouldn't be here enjoying the freedom to have this exchange! You have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Stand up and be counted for what is right, or continue on in fruitless anonymity. That goes for all the rest of you, too! Start signing your names or, be silent. Harold Beadling, former waukegan democratic committeeman, now republican committeeman, 9/12 patriot, and taxday teaparty patriot member.

Re: Toc, Professional development - countymounty - 01-24-2010


If it wasnt for you, there would be absolutley no one who cares about the constitution or the waukegan community. Your the best keep it up.