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No comments about KT and the County Board? - Printable Version

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No comments about KT and the County Board? - OhBrother - 06-13-2009

xxxxxx bows from county berth
Cites personal 'developments,' promises statement

June 13, 2009

WAUKEGAN -- Four days before he was to go before the County Board as the proposed successor to Bob Sabonjian, xxxxx xxxxxx withdrew his name from the process Friday, saying, "At this time, it's not something that I can take on."

xxxxxx, a Democratic precinct committeeman and past candidate for offices including 6th Ward alderman in Waukegan, had been tabbed this week by board Chairman Suzi Schmidt to fill the seat vacated by Sabonjian following the Waukegan mayoral election.

But late Friday, xxxxxx said, "I decided to withdraw my name for personal reasons. It's time for me to focus on my family and my health ... There's been some recent developments of a personal nature and a family nature, and I don't see myself being able to devote the time or attention that the office deserves."

xxxxxx added that he'll make a formal statement to his supporters next week.

The process of filling the seat vacated by Sabonjian in early May now returns to square one, with board officials having targeted July as a deadline for naming a successor. Though he ran for mayor as an independent candidate, Sabonjian was re-elected to the County Board in November as a Democrat, meaning the seat must be filled by a Democrat.

Sabonjian represented the board's 8th District, which encompasses the city of Waukegan north of Washington Street. The term expires in 2012.

frankie wrote:
Curses! I was looking forward to at least one black commissioner on the County Board who when Terry Link says jump, they wouldn't respond "How high?"
6/13/2009 6:27 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com

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wntr66 wrote:
There is NO way that Suzi Schmidt will ever be a state senator...she cannot even control Lake County, I really wish there was someone to step up and run against her but like Chicago, there seems to be a lack of real change from Venturi to Schmidt to mayors of towns,
what a shame...
6/13/2009 6:25 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com

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scrimshaw wrote:
Well, Darlin', he lost this one and lost it big. I'm still amazed at the hubris Sabonjian and his supporters exhibit when they both tout Bob's vote pluralities and yet proffer a replacement candidate as a direct nose-thumbing to the Lake County Democratic Party. Didn't Bob just say this week that the Democratic Party in Waukegan was 'dead?' Didn't Bob specifically cut a deal with Mayor Hyde and challenge Representative Eddie Washington's petition's to knock Washington off the ballot? Didn't Sabonjian accept assistance from the Lake County and Waukegan Democratic Party to win those elections? C'mon, Sweetheart. Your Mayor has forgotten the axiom that you can't forget thems that brought ya to the dance in the first place. Sabonjian's one and only term has begun with this mis-step, lawsuits by the SEIU, failing to have the nerve to fire department heads on his own, and appointing buddies and yahoos.

No, Darlin', the chairman of the Lake County Board not only has the right, but the duty to recuse herself from any ruling or debate in which she has any pecuniary interest or conflict. As she currently is a Republican candidate for Bond's 31st Senate seat, she has the duty to surrender the gavel for any votes political in nature.

I don't know about grapes, but thus far, just about everything about Sabonjian is sour.
6/13/2009 5:01 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com

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sunshinelady wrote:
The only way an appointment can legally come forward is through the chairman. Sounds like sour grapes about Sabonjian winning so big. He always won his county board seat by over 70% of the vote>
6/13/2009 1:51 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com

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scrimshaw wrote:
I applaud xxxxx xxxxxx for stepping away from this county board appointment, although recent 'revelations' may have been more truthful than recent 'developments.' The victims in this political farce are the citizens of Lake County and especially those of the 8th District here in Waukegan who are now, still, without representation on the County Board (Although, in fairness, with Bob Sabonjian as their commissioner, the people of the 8th were only barely represented as it was.)

Shame on Suzi Schmidt and Bob Sabonjian for allowing this charade to go on so long. She wants to be our next State Senator and she can't even navigate Lake County politics. Ridiculous! Bob Sabonjian has stepped on his whatsis so many times in just the past few weeks the pain of completing a full term is likely to be unbearable. Then again, the odds still favor Bob quitting when things get rough. It's his style.

This whole affair stinks. The people of the 8th district elected a democrat. That person decided to turn his back on those people that elected him. He therefore should have no say in the matter. Suzi Schmidt, with a vested interest in damaging the democratic party every and any where it exists, should also have no say. In fact, as she's declared herself for higher office, she should have recused herself from this decision. She has clear bias and interest in disrupting this decision process and she has no business taking part in the process other than calling for a vote. At least we've seen the kind of clumsy, heavy-handed, and ultimately ineffectual politics Suzi is trying to bring to Springfield. It's going over like offering the voters of the 31st Senate district a collective root canal.
6/13/2009 10:33 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com

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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/newssun/news/1620816,5_1_WA13_TURNER_S1-090613.article">http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/news ... 13.article</a><!-- m -->

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - peregrin - 06-14-2009

I haven't heard what his reason was for withdrawing. Anyone?

I really hate comments after news articles. I like the Trib's format where you have to log on to see the comments.

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - JazminH - 06-14-2009

Some sort of felony in his past.

Good thing he'll never be elected to any thing since noone is allowed to utter his name :lol:

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - JazminH - 06-15-2009

Another article about Kitty Turncoat

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=300540">http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=300540</a><!-- m -->

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - JazminH - 06-16-2009

Tapped out
News Hound
on June 16, 2009 4:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

A funny thing happened to Kitty Turncoat on his way to the Lake County Board. He didn't make it. The Waukegan Democrat tapped to replace Waukegan Mayor Robert Sabonjian on the board tapped out like they do in ultimate fighting cage matches.

On Thursday, Turncoat sent out a release saying he will be appointed to Sabonjian's District 8 seat, one of three vacancies or soon-to-be-vacancies on the County Board. On Friday, he sends another saying he is tapping out, this four days before he's supposed to take the oath of office.

Now, there are rumors swirling around Turncoat about his sudden change of plans. Like there was something in his past that came to light. That powerful Lake County Democratic Party chairman, state Sen. Terry Link, D-Waukegan, told Dems on the County Board to oppose Turncoat's taking the Sabonjian seat. As for Turncoat, in a letter to supporters Monday, he said he made the decision to withdraw from consideration "on Friday morning after receiving confirmation of test results related to a medical condition."

OK, The Hound accepts that and hopes it's nothing serious. But then Turncoat spews: "I realize that the timing of this decision will generate a degree of speculation and rumor and though there was tremendous pressure placed upon the Democratic board members, I want to assure you that my decision was not made due to any political pressures or considerations exerted upon me from any quarter or in any way influenced by the lack of support I received from the Democratic Party." Huh?

And, depending on this medical condition, he says he intends to run for the seat in 2010.

What is it with Democrats that they can't fill open seats? Let's see, anybody recall how Democrats filled a U.S. Senate seat? Bet Republicans won't have this problem when it comes to filling the vacancies caused by resignations of District 19 Rep. Michael Talbett of Lake Zurich and District 18 Rep. Pam Newton of Vernon Hills. Isn't that why political parties have precinct committeemen and township and district organizations?

Or is this part of the continuing rift in the once-mighty Waukegan Democratic machine. After all, they couldn't elect a Democratic mayor in April. Maybe they're just tapped out.

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - NEWword-2 - 06-16-2009

Looks like KITTY TURNCOAT's ( I LOVE that nick name . . . fits KT perfectly ) past has finally caught up with him!

Doesn't he know we have this wonderful internet that allows common, everyday citizens like you or ME to google his name and find dirt?

NOT LIES, like Kitty used in previous campaign battles for his main man eddie, but TRUE information. Information that seems to have put a little hiccup in his plan to FINALLY hold a public office . . . ANY Office!

Ain't Karma a B**CH ???


"LIVE BY THE SWORD . . . . . . "

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - New2Wauk - 07-12-2009

Has anyone heard anything from xxxxx xxxxxx, lately?

Someone told they talked to KT a week or so after he pulled his name out of the County Board member consideration and he said all his Medical test results came back NEGATIVE!

interesting . . .

I guess he must be working on his "Family" and "Personal" problems now and is too busy to work 15 hours a week at $60,000.00 per year on the County Board.

Wonder what he'll run for next election ???

hmmmm . . . Tongue

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - Blackdiamond - 07-13-2009

I thought your sign on name meant "new to Waukegan"----How new? Five years ago?

Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - New2Wauk - 07-23-2009

I just read the rule that says we are not allowed to mention Kxxth Txxxxr's name . . . can the ADMIN please explain this to us?


Re: No comments about KT and the County Board? - New2Wauk - 07-23-2009

New to WaukTalk
