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Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - Printable Version

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Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-11-2009

News of this national protest hasn't actually reached the msm but it has taken the internet by storm. Already scores of tax Tea Party protests have occurred around the country.

Michele Malkin's column has covered this phenomonen quite a bit. You can go to the official site as well. There is one to be held in Chicago this Wednesday. It might be a chance to be part of history.

If interested look into this. Current tea party protest locations.

[Image: tpmap21.jpg]

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://taxdayteaparty.com/">http://taxdayteaparty.com/</a><!-- m --> Official site with information

Here is one of the Chicago sites. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.officialchicagoteaparty.com/">http://www.officialchicagoteaparty.com/</a><!-- m -->

Chicago Tea Party... Join Us!
Enough is enough. It's time to protest out of control government.
Check out the new Tax Day Tea Party Website

Date: Wednesday, April 15th.
Time: 12:00 PM Central Time.
Start: Daley Plaza, 50 W Washington St..
End: Michigan Ave Bridge (Tribune Tower).

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-11-2009

Rick Santelli's rant heard around the world if you haven't heard it.

The cry to revolt.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEZB4taSEoA">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEZB4taSEoA</a><!-- m -->

One million views

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - Danno - 04-12-2009

I'll believe it when I see it. We are a nation of pussies.

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-12-2009

Danno Wrote:I'll believe it when I see it. We are a nation of pussies.

Smile I should have mentioned that there have already been many Tea Party protests already. I was told that 4 to 5 hundred people attended the one that already was in Chicago. Cincinnati had 5,000 people attend. Each protest has reported hundreds to thousands of people. That is why this will be so interesting to watch this Wednesday. Trouble is -they haven't been covered by the msm.

[Image: 14.jpg]

[Image: 110.jpg]

500 people showed up at the one in Green Bay, WI
[Image: tpgreen.jpg]

A reported 15,000 showed up at Fullerton, CA
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://patterico.com/2009/03/10/la-times-we-didnt-cover-the-john-and-ken-rally-because-those-guys-are-idiots-rallies-of-15000-people-arent-newsworthy-oh-really/">http://patterico.com/2009/03/10/la-time ... oh-really/</a><!-- m -->

3,000 show up in Orlando. 1,500 in Lexington

Many more. Smile The interesting thing, again, is that they have not been covered -except on the internet.

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-12-2009

Here's a link to the February protest in Chicago. Gotta love the American's right to protest. It has all been quite a growing phenomenon the last few months.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.foundingbloggers.com/wordpress/2009/02/breaking-chicago-tea-party-pictures/">http://www.foundingbloggers.com/wordpre ... -pictures/</a><!-- m -->

[Image: 3314677304_0684e75bfb.jpg?v=0]

[Image: 3314677110_2d9c54756b.jpg?v=1235761149]

[Image: 3313852351_99b1f61cde.jpg?v=0]

I'll report back here later in the week to see what happened. Smile
[Image: graciedesign.jpg]

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - Danno - 04-12-2009

I agree with the concept and the turnout has been good but the protesters main claim of their protest and bravado has consisted of bringing a biodegradable organically grown tea bag with them and throwing it into a recyclable container. I'll bet every one of them has obidently paid their taxes too. That has got to have the powers that be shaking in their boots. Compared to protests of the past, like Selma Alabama, where people put their lives on the line or spilled blood for what they believed in, these present day protests are a picnic. I guess it still does send a message but I think people now are too fearful of authority to REALLY challenge it. The real Boston Tea Party was a history changing event. This taxdayteaparty is more like a family outing than a real protest. I can't wait to get my very own souvenir tea cup.

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-12-2009

:lol: You have a way with words!

And I will get you your very own souvenir cup.

It's a start... 8-)

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - fedupinwaukegan - 04-17-2009

It was quite a day... I believe it to be the start of more and more people asking for accountability from out elected officials. Watch out 2010. I will post more pictures later. And of course some of the msm looked down their nose at Americans speaking up and protesting.

[Image: sac9.jpg]

1 million attend tea parties in 50 states
'Obama has awakened a sleeping giant'

Posted: April 17, 2009
12:00 am Eastern

By Jerome Corsi and Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

An estimated 1 million Americans participated in at least 1,000 tea parties, according to reports by organizers tabulating the nationwide numbers, with documented protests held in 50 states.

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform told WND, "The Obama administration has awakened a sleeping giant."

Tax Day Tea Party national event coordinator Amy Kremer told WND she has confirmed that more than 850 parties took place. She has at least 100 more reports in her e-mail inbox that have not been posted.

Asked how many people attended the events, she responded, "I would estimate it at over 1 million. I'm waiting on more numbers to come in from organizers right now. I can tell you it is absolutely over 750,000 right now."

The largest protests occurred in Atlanta, Ga., with 15,000 participants. As many as 10,000 protesters participating in Sacramento, Calif., and Overland Park, Kan., according to data compiled by Americans for Tax Reform on more than 207 tea parties.

Americans for Tax Reform has established an Internet page on the group's website where organizers of tea parties can submit attendance estimates to be included in the running tally.

Michael DePrimo, special counsel to American Family Aassociation President Tim Wildmon, told WND that AFA's tea party website, Tea Party Day, had 2,031 confirmations that tea parties were to be held in as many cities.

"Since yesterday, we have had 394 cities give us reports, many with photographs, about the tea parties that were held," he said. "We have not been able to get all the information up. We expect more to come in as the days go by."

Glenn Beck reported yesterday on his Fox News program that official estimates of the participation in the Tea Party held in San Antonio, Texas, reached as many as 20,000 people.

The Glenn Beck show broadcast on Fox News live on April 15, from the Tea Party held at the Alamo in San Antonio.

"The establishment in Washington, D.C., is terrified," Norquist said. "There were no such demonstrations four months into the administrations of Democratic presidents Carter or Clinton."

Norquist told WND that the Obama administration was taken by surprise by the nationwide protests because the administration had calculated increased government spending was supposed to be the popular part of President Obama's economic stimulus plan.

Instead, Norquist said, the tea parties held in every state on Wednesday proved Americans nationwide are demonstrating in anger and disappointment against Obama administration plans for massive deficit spending.

"Imagine what happens when President Obama, House Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid begin to pay for their 'spend-fest' with higher taxes and inflation," Norquist said.

Kremer said the mainstream media have completely neglected their duty to accurately report on this nationwide movement.

"It's amazing that the mainstream media is reporting it the way that they are," she said. "It's just crazy. It's basically just going to come down to us. We're now reporting it ourselves because they are not reporting it accurately."

Many say the mainstream media attempted either to ignore the protests altogether or characterized tea partiers as disgruntled Republicans unable to accept that "they lost" the 2008 presidential campaign or as "rich taxpayers" unwilling to pay their fair burden of taxes.

However, Kremer said she is constantly receiving reports from organizers about the movement's resounding success.

"I think it was an absolute success," she said. "We want to send a message to them: We hired them; we can fire them. They work for us. They seem to have forgotten that."

She continued, "If it means we have to go after every incumbent in office from now until 2012, we will do that. But the American people are tired of sitting by, and they are starting to step forward and take notice."

[Image: 4207465.jpg][Image: 4207467.jpg]

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - shalwechat - 05-05-2009

Well that day I had a complementary courthouse tour.

I don't worry over the federal tax, It's the local taxes that I've learn to hate. I cant believe how much my property tax jumps up for a modest house in waukegan.Instead of holdinng a tea party in chicago, One should hold it at the local tax collectors office or Waukagan city hall.

WE make such a stink about fereral taxes,....where the hoopla over our local taxes?

Re: Anyone going to one of the national Tax Tea Protests 4/15? - Hoopla - 05-07-2009


I just got my tax bill today. A 5% increase over last year, in a tanked economy no less.
Count me in for the next tea party.
