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Sabonjian wins: article and video available - Printable Version

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Sabonjian wins: article and video available - fedupinwaukegan - 04-07-2009

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/IL/Lake/10296/15332/en/summary.html">http://results.enr.clarityelections.com ... mmary.html</a><!-- m -->

Here is one link to the election results. I'm sure we'll all be checking this at 7:01 pm. Or we might be at someone's victory party. Big Grin Will the absentee ballots be posted tonight? Didn't I hear there were 17,000 in LC? Don't know how many in Waukegan.

WE are almost there to finding out.

The mayor section is just above the middle. School board is nearer the bottom. Anyway to refine the link to just Waukegan?

Checking in later.

Re: Link to election results, who will win??? I predict... - fedupinwaukegan - 04-07-2009

33 of 55 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Richard H. Hyde (DEM)
Percent of total votes
41.31% 1,657

Greg Flesher (REP)
Percent of total votes
4.36% 175

Robert Sabonjian (IND)
Percent of total votes
54.33% 2,179

Re: Link to election results, who will win??? I predict... - fedupinwaukegan - 04-07-2009

Will June Maguire be out?

Waukegan Unit School District #60 Member of the Board of Education (Vote For 4)
Vote type summary

Precincts Reporting
43 of 44 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes
Anita Hanna
Percent of total votes
17.70% 3,156
June M. Maguire
Percent of total votes
15.90% 2,835
Michael Rodriguez
Percent of total votes
17.06% 3,042
Steven Orusa
Percent of total votes
13.44% 2,396
Tony Elam
Percent of total votes
16.15% 2,880
Bill Anderson
Percent of total votes
19.76% 3,523

Re: Link to election results, who will win??? I predict... - fedupinwaukegan - 04-07-2009

City of Waukegan Mayor (Vote For 1)
Vote type summary

Precincts Reporting
52 of 55 Precincts Reporting
Percent Votes

Richard H. Hyde (DEM)
Percent of total votes
40.92% 2,615

Greg Flesher (REP)
Percent of total votes
4.98% 318

Robert Sabonjian (IND)
Percent of total votes
54.11% 3,458

Re: Link to election results, who will win??? I predict... - WkgnBorn&amp;Raised - 04-07-2009

Well.. surprise, suprise, the WaukTalk boy seems to be in the lead.

What will you people do with your time for the next four years?

I agreed with Bob Sabonjian on a lot of issues, especially the greening of the city, but I did not vote for him and have little faith he can "play well" with others and get his agenda passed. Now is your time. Put up or shut up.

Re: Link to election results, who will win??? I predict... - fedupinwaukegan - 04-07-2009

News Sun calls Sabonjian winner.

Sabonjian beats Hyde
The son followed the father into City Hall Tuesday night as County Board member Robert Sabonjian Jr. defeated incumbent Richard Hyde to capture the mayor’s office. The 53-year-old Sabonjian, running as an independent four years after losing to Hyde in the Democratic primary, captured 54 percent of the vote.

[Image: sabonjian.jpg_20090407_21_18_06_19-190-270.imageContent]

Robert Sabonjian waves to his supporters after learning he won the race for mayor of Waukegan at the Chapala Restaurant in Waukegan. Michael

Re: News Sun calls Sabonjian winner: picture - NiuMilhouse - 04-07-2009

Disheartening that out of so many people here in Waukegan only 7K+ decided to vote. Oh well, Congratulations to Bob Sabonjian!

Re: News Sun calls Sabonjian winner: picture - Blackdiamond - 04-07-2009

I had forgotten it was voting day. I picked up my wallet and my Voter's Registration Card fell on the floor. Was that a reminder, or what? I cannot stand too long and was dubious about going. I got there and I was the only one---they let me sit down to vote. It was meant for me to vote today. Big Grin

Re: News Sun calls Sabonjian winner: picture - fedupinwaukegan - 04-08-2009

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/video/index.html?pid=lvUv0FaVP_HdjmqWGx0Ty6KqekrLOlfm">http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/vide ... KqekrLOlfm</a><!-- m -->

Above is a link video of Sabonjian's speech. The crowd roars their approval with "Yes, we can, yes we can."

Sabonjian beats Hyde

April 8, 2009
BY DAN MORAN <!-- e --><a href="mailto:dmoran@scn1.com">dmoran@scn1.com</a><!-- e -->

The son followed the father into City Hall on Tuesday night as County Board member Robert Sabonjian Jr. defeated incumbent Richard Hyde to capture the mayor’s office.

The 53-year-old Sabonjian, running as an independent four years after losing to Hyde in the Democratic primary, captured 54 percent of 7,500 ballots cast and defeated Hyde by more than 700 votes. Republican Greg Flesher finished a distant third.

“I don’t want to be cliché,” Sabonjian said outside a victory rally at La Chapala restaurant on Grand Avenue, “but the people of Waukegan spoke today, (and) they wanted change.”

A look around La Chapala shortly after the last precinct came in went a long way toward explaining Sabonjian’s victory. Mixed in a multi-ethnic crowd were such community and political figures as Henry Bogdala, Margaret Carrasco, Mary Ross Cunningham, Patricia Jones, Steve Kolber and Keith Turner.

Also in attendance was Newton Finn, who fell within a handful of votes of winning two different mayoral elections in the last decade.

“This is Waukegan’s version of what happened in this country (in November),” said Finn, though he added that “I’m stunned at the margin of victory. This is clearly a mandate for Bob.”

At the restaurant’s front door, Lorena Carbajal greeted arrivals by shouting “yes we can! Meet your new mayor!” She said Sabonjian’s upset win was the result of “everybody working together.”

Kolber, co-founder of the activist group Citizens for the Resurgence of Excellence in Waukegan (CREW), which endorsed Sabonjian in early February, said he wasn’t surprised by how election day played out.

“Not at all. All day long, you felt the vibe. Everybody we talked to felt the same way – they wanted change,” Kolber said, adding that “the Hispanic vote just exploded” as the race wound down.

Shortly after addressing supporters around 8:30 p.m., Sabonjian agreed that a cross-cultural collection of voters turned out to make his win possible.

“You see the crowd in there? I expected to win because of them,” he said. “They went out in all kinds of weather and put in hundreds and hundreds of man hours ... Sometimes I felt like I was along for the ride.”

Gathering with supporters at Louie’s restaurant on North Avenue, Hyde said he hoped to call Sabonjian before the night was over to offer congratulations.

“People kept pushing for this change business, and now it happened,” Hyde said. “But I wish him well. I hope the city continues on the path it’s on because a lot of great things are happening.”

Asked what factors he thought played into the vote totals, the 81-year-old Hyde pointed to comments published over the weekend in a Chicago newspaper that he felt focused directly on his age.

“(Sabonjian) said things like ‘old school’ and ‘time has passed him by,’” said Hyde, “and I think a lot of people believed in that.”

Hyde added that “I have no regrets at all. I had a wonderful seven years and three months as mayor, and I enjoyed serving the people of Waukegan.”

A former 8th Ward alderman, Hyde was first appointed mayor by the City Council following the January 2002 death of Dan Drew. He won a special election to fill Drew’s term in 2003, then won a four-year term in 2005 over a field that included Sabonjian in the Democratic primary.

Sabonjian, the only son of the late former Mayor Robert Sabonjian, has served on the County Board since 1998. His current term is set to expire in 2012.

Departing his victory party around 9 p.m., Sabonjian told supporters that he was going to turn in early “because we have a lot of work to do starting tomorrow.”

Among the orders of business for the mayor-elect are forming a transition team and mulling candidates for department heads, which must be named on the night he is sworn in, May 4. Sabonjian declined to offer any early insights into that process, saying he had some personal matters to attend to in coming days.

“I have to go out of town this weekend for a funeral,” he said, “and then my wife and I are going to get in the car and head west.”

for comments
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/newssun/news/1515984,sabonjian-beats-hyde-040709.article">http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/news ... 09.article</a><!-- m -->

Re: Sabonjian wins: article and video available - OhBrother - 04-08-2009

Wow - a whole lotta butt-smooching by Libby this morning when Sabonjian called in!