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Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Printable Version

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Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - lewiston - 03-26-2009

I see that Pete Couvall wrote to the editor of the News-Sun hammering Bob Sabonjian. Hyde and his cronies really are clutching at straws. I hope Hyde reads Sabonjian's response to the letter...


Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Don Petrone - 03-26-2009

Oh Boy!
I read all the comments that were posted about Couvall's letter and it looks to me like Mr. Couvall would be better off keeping his head down and his mouth shut.
Sabonjian sure tore him a new one.
Another poster mentioned that Couvall was involved with the failure of the Des Plaines bank.
Is that true?
I vaguely remember when that happened and I think there was something about the mob and money laundering.
But I can't find anything on the net about it.
Does anyone know more or know where I can get information about Pete Couvall and the Des Plaines Bank?

The rest of the comments were just icing on the cake.
central_scrutinizer wrote:
I think "Sneaky" Pete Couvall is one of the lowest pieces of slime on the face of the Earth. As a member of the Waukegan Developement Commission, a public body, Sneaky Pete violated Illinois law by intentionally tampering with a privately owned video camera that was authorized to record the proceedings of the public meeting with the intent to disable the camera and prevent the meeting from being recorded. He should have been prosecuted for this but his "Good Old Boy" connections prevented that.

Here is a YouTube video of that incident.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3q-lra-mQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3q-lra-mQ</a><!-- m -->

Just looking at his behavior in this video should be enough to convince most people that Sneaky Pete in not to be trusted.... ever!
3/26/2009 2:18 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (1) Report Abuse

frankie wrote:
After what Pete Couvall did with Terry Link's petitions, you would think that he would go underground and be quiet. Having Pete Couvall write this letter does Hyde more harm than good. If I were Hyde I would stay as far away from Sneaky Pete as I possibly could.
3/26/2009 11:02 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (1) Report Abuse

r sabonjian wrote:
Mind Boggling?

Okay Peter, let's get the facts straight.
1. I have consistently served Waukegan for 10 years as County Commissioner for District 8 in Waukegan. During that time when issues came up that pertained to Waukegan I was always active in making sure that the City and our Park District received the attention and service required to tackle the problem.

2. Affordable Housing- I have supported and fought for affordable housing across all of Lake County. You need to check your facts Peter, anytime programs have come before us for any community I have supported them. In fact I was instrumental in helping to create the program and fought passionately to make all Board members understand the need for affordable housing across all of Lake County.

3. In regards to Committees- I asked for a change in the committees I was serving on when the reorganization occurred. I had approached the Chairman in Sept. and had an agreement that I would serve on Public Works and Planning. That agreement was eventually not honored as a result of political bickering between the Dems and the Republicans during the last election cycle. I asked not to be reassigned to the Community Development Commission when the rules were changed that restricted the appointments to only one person per community. That was so that member Mary Cunningham could retain her seat. I felt it was important that the representative from the South side of Waukegan should lend her voice to the distribution of Federal funds that traditionally benefited her constituents more than mine.

4. In regards to dealing with CEOs and financial matters- I served on the County Board Finance Committee that oversees a$300 million plus budget. I serve on the Public Building Commission that oversees construction projects and the maintenance of our infrastructure. During my campaign I have spoken with Developers and local business owners about issues in Waukegan and have been told that my vision of our community is sensible and attainable. During my discussions with the County’s economic development organization, The Lake County Partners, I was told that the City has never approached them for assistance in helping to move development along in our community. As Mayor I will seek out assistance from any capable party to help our community.

5. Nepotism- I have never traded on my late Father's name at any time in my political career. This is unlike Couval and his cronies that have seen themselves benefiting from their political affiliation or relationship as family members to city officials. In fact when my Dad was Mayor I never worked for the City at any time. He and I both agreed that would be unfair to other employees or anyone seeking a job that had a family to feed.

6. This letter smacks of desperation. The Hyde election machine foot soldiers have been stealing my signs across Waukegan. In fact the Waukegan Police Dept. are now watching them because they recently have stolen approximately $800 worth of our signs and banners that local residents have given us permission to place on their property. They see the end coming of their political regime, based on nepotism, cronyism, arrogance and hubris and are now willing to do or say anything to gain victory in this contest. It won’t work this time Peter, and I would suggest you and your sycophants step aside before you get steamrolled into political oblivion.
Robert Sabonjian

3/26/2009 9:59 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (3) Report Abuse

mumbly wrote:
You’ve got to be kidding Mr. Couvall.

You conclude that the reason we should vote for Mayor Hyde is because in your opinion Bob Sabonjian is not the right person to be the next Mayor of Waukegan. Very interesting that you did not supply one word as to why Mayor Hyde is the right choice – or how his record over the last 6 years has moved our City forward and that he has EARNED our vote. That would be a much harder letter to compose.

You mention that Bob Sabonjian will not be able to work with the Aldermen of the City of Waukegan. So it is safe to assume that by taking that stance you imply that we currently have leadership that does. Here are just a few recent examples of the Mayor’s leadership.

The Mayor had every opportunity to secure a minor league baseball team and stadium for Waukegan. As a matter of fact, a minor league facility is clearly delineated as part of the Master Plan that Mayor Hyde himself refers to so often whilst thwarting other development that does not comply with the plan. Yet our neighbors to the north will be enjoying that amenity.

The Mayor not only shooed away Costco from Waukegan, but signed a “NON-COMPETE” agreement with Wal-Mart to ensure that other big box retailers will stay far away from Fountain Square, to make room for the casino. The casino that Mayor Hyde and the current administration TWICE failed to deliver. All while the property slated for the casino at Fountain Square earns ZERO in tax dollars.

As for Mr. Sabonjian’s call for more activity at the Genesee you fail to mention that due to Senator Terry Link and his minions whispering directly into Mayor Hyde’s ear the City of Waukegan entered into contract with an organization that GUARANTEED that they will run at a loss to the tune of over 350K per year. And guess what? They have been true to their word! In a meager attempt to show that action was being taken on that front Mayor Hyde recently commented that “we got rid of the first guy, and now we have a new guy there”; well that is great, considering the new guy works for the same company under the same agreement. Now there is an EXCELLENT first hand knowledge of FINANCE.

Have you compared the information on Bob Sabonjian’s website outlining his vision and ideas for the City of Waukegan with Mayor Hyde’s? Oh wait; there isn’t a website for Mayor Hyde. As a matter of fact the only real outlet for information on the Mayor would be at public debates – like the one Mayor Hyde arrived at 50 minutes late. You and Senator Link both have publicly said that now is not the time to make a change. Yet never, not once, has a valid reason for that been given. Of course there are the “projects in the pipeline” that are always referenced. I’m sorry, but that pipeline has got to be really long since nothing has come out of it for 6 years.

You know, this was an easy letter to compose as well.

3/26/2009 9:57 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (4) Report Abuse

The truth is

In response to the Letter to the Editor from Peter Couvall, that was published on March 26th, 2009.
Couvall makes several comments about Bob Sabonjian that are inaccurate and misleading.

First, it's important to understand who Pete Couvall is and his motivations for casting disparagement on Sabonjian.

Pete Couvall is Mayor Hyde's and Senator Link's Campaign Manager.
Hyde appointed Couvall as Chair of the Development Commission and as a Director of the Waukegan Port District.
(Even though Couvall was involved in money laundering while the manager of the Dallas Playboy Club in the 1980s, which led to the failure of the Des Plaines Bank).
It truly boggles the mind that Hyde would associate himself with a money launderer and I don’t think touting Hyde’s ability to negotiate with a known mob associate, that that cost Waukegan the casino license is a very good argument to reelect Hyde.

To set the record straight, Bob Sabonjian resigned from the Democratic Party, not from any county board committees.
He did this because he refuses to be associated a political party led by Couvall, Link and Hyde.

Sabonjian's declaration that the Genesee Theatre is unsuccessful and that it is a continuing drain on our tax dollars is an accurate assessment.
There were nearly 100% in cost over runs, a 1% sales tax hike and we still pay about $62,000.00 a week in operational costs.
Not to mention no bid contracts and lack of oversight of the project.
The theatre has fewer than 20 shows a year and has not been the engine for economic revitalization that Hyde and Senator Link pitched it to be.

Another point that Couvall makes in error is regarding affordable housing.
Sabonjian promotes affordable housing for middle class residents across the county, not just Waukegan.

As for nepotism and name recognition, Sabonjian has served on the County Board for 10 years.
In November, he was reelected with 76% of the vote. Couvall has never been elected to a public office.

Mayor Hyde does not open city positions to the public and has filled the employee roles with political hires.

Here’s JUST A FEW of the nepotistic hires under Mayor Hyde whose names Mr. Couvall might recognize:
Mary Westphal – Hyde’s daughter
Kelly Link – Sen. Link’s Daughter
Mike Hewitt – Chair of Waukegan Democrats/ Hyde’s advisor/Couvall’s right hand man
Diane Hewitt – Wife of Mike Hewitt
Lawrence TenPas Jr. – Son of Alderman TenPas
Anthony Couvall – Son of Pete Couvall

Sabonjian wants to open jobs to the public and promote from within so that city employees will have a career path and an opportunity for advancement.
He wants to take the politics out of day to day operations and hire a certified city administrator

Bob Sabonjian has unimpeachable integrity and a record of standing up to the status quo.

No wonder Mr. Couvall feels threatened.

Voters should remember all of this when they go to the polls on April 7th.

The clear choice is Bob Sabonjian for mayor.

3/26/2009 9:38 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (2) Report Abuse

kirsty wrote:
It boggles the mind that Peter Couvall has not placed his name on the ballot for Waukegan mayor. As a newcomer to Waukegan, I am struck by Peter Couvall's understanding about the duties and responsibilities of an elected official. One might almost think that he was one.

First, you must be able to work well with others. It is public knowledge that Peter Couvall works with the nine aldermen of Waukegan and the mayor. Some might argue that he is the mayor.

Second, an elected official must understand the issues. Peter understands that it is the promoters who take the risks, and those people should be rewarded with paybacks and jobs.

Peter Couvall understand the importance of staying in touch with the Sheridan Road constituency. He is a huge advocate for locating affordable housing elsewhere in the county.

And, as the for issue of nepotism that Peter never talks about, let's remember what his last name is, and his nickname. He has lots of experience with CEOs, corporate presidents, and anyone else who can be manipulated and offered lucrative work.

Voters should remember all of this when they go to the polls.
3/26/2009 9:34 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (2) Report Abuse

wauk the tauk wrote:
I found it ironic that Pete Couvall is calling Bob Sabonjian someone who does not and cannot work with others. Pete Couvall thrives and feeds off diviseness in our community with the end result power for him and his buddies down at the cigarette and coffee pit on North Ave previously known as Waukegan Democratic HQ. If Pete Couvall can come up with one verified instance to back up his accusation, I will apologize. Bob Sabonjian does have name recognition because of his dad but also because of his integrity, his financial decision making ability, his willingness to put himself out there and work with us, the citizens and taxpayers of Waukegan, to make this town a shining example on the lake. He wants to replace, "I live in Waukegan. It has a lot of potential" to "Yeah, I live in Waukegan. Best decision I ever made." Some people are satisfied only when the citizens are divided and at each other's throats, ruled by petty men who can only see to the end of a dollar and judging by their appearance, too ashamed to face a mirror in the morning.
3/26/2009 8:12 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews


Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - JazminH - 03-26-2009

why did you leave the name off the post between mumby and kristy?

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Danno - 03-26-2009

Pete got in trouble with the State Board of Elections last year for trying to circumvent campaign disclosure during the Link petition controversy.

This is from the April 21, 2008 minutes:

The Chairman asked if there was other business. Member Brady asked Mr. Borgsmiller about the challenge to the Terry Link campaign wherein circulators were paid to circulate Sen. Link’s nominating petitions. He replied that one gentleman, Pete Couvall, admitted that he was paid $2500 from Sen. Link’s committee and he in turn paid people to circulate Sen. Link’s petitions, but that it has been listed and reported. Mr. Borgsmiller stated that the $2,500 was reported by Sen. Link’s committee and as far as the SBE campaign disclosure staff was concerned the matter is closed. Member Brady asked whether Mr. Couvall’s use of personal funds to pay circulators to do the work on behalf of Sen. Link’s committee was an in-kind contribution, albeit a second or third generation contribution. He questioned why it was not further followed up. Mr. Borgsmiller didn’t think that the campaign disclosure division has ever considered such expenditures as being an in-kind contribution. Member Brady asked if his position would change if Mr. Couvall spent $5,000 on circulators and only received $2,500 from Sen. Link’s committee. Member
State Board of Elections Minutes
April 21, 2008
Page #6
Brady felt it was an elaborate way to avoid disclosure. Vice Chairman Schneider suggested that Mr. Borgsmiller prepare a report for the next meeting and directed staff to submit it for the next board meeting.

From the May 19, 2008 minutes:

The General Counsel presented Friends of Terry Link/Peter Couvall explaining that at the last meeting the Board had asked staff to provide a summary of correspondence that existed between State Board of Elections staff and the Terry Link Committee with regard to the involvement of Peter
Minutes, May 19, 2008 Page 5
Couvall. Mr. Sandvoss indicated based on the information received, it was concluded that the issues raised by staff had been answered and no further reporting was necessary. Mr. Peter Couvall had received an amount of $2,500 as a salary. Member Brady was concerned if Mr. Couvall had made an in-kind contribution to the committee and if so does he have an obligation to make that report to the Committee for full disclosure. Discussion ensued and the General Counsel noted that the payment to Mr. Couvall was to perform services and if he paid others out of his salary to help him perform the job they would be his subcontractors. Member McGuffage moved to accept the recommendation of the hearing officer and General Counsel and end the matter. After further discussion Member Brady moved to hold this issue to the June meeting to determine if there is a motion appropriate to the situation. Member McGuffage withdrew his motion. Member Keith seconded Member Brady’s motion which passed by roll call vote of 7-1 with Member Porter voting in the negative.

And this is from the June 9, 2008 minutes:

Member Brady moved that the Board recognize that an in-kind contribution was made from Mr. Peter Couvall to the
Friends of Terry Link Committee and that, within 30 days, the committee for Mr. Link amend its report to reflect the
in-kind contribution. The general counsel’s position was contrary to the motion. Discussion ensued among the
board. Vice Chairman Schneider seconded the motion which failed by 4-4 vote with Members Keith, McGuffage,
Rednour and Chairman Porter voting against the motion.

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Danno - 03-26-2009

Those who remember MACHIAVELLI from the old TOWN forums will appreciate this bit of wisdom from the master.


Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - admin - 03-26-2009

JazminH Wrote:why did you leave the name off the post between mumby and kristy?

See http://wauktalk.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3 for the answer.

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - JazminH - 03-26-2009

Interesting. Its a bit odd that an elected official does not want people to use his name. Especially when he writes letters to the editor.

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Danno - 03-27-2009

The name Anthony Angelos is associated with the DesPlaines bank and Peter Couvall.

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Danno - 03-27-2009

Don Petrone Wrote:Oh Boy!
I read all the comments that were posted about Couvall's letter and it looks to me like Mr. Couvall would be better off keeping his head down and his mouth shut.
Sabonjian sure tore him a new one.
Another poster mentioned that Couvall was involved with the failure of the Des Plaines bank.
Is that true?
I vaguely remember when that happened and I think there was something about the mob and money laundering.
But I can't find anything on the net about it.
Does anyone know more or know where I can get information about Pete Couvall and the Des Plaines Bank?

The rest of the comments were just icing on the cake.
central_scrutinizer wrote:
I think "Sneaky" Pete Couvall is one of the lowest pieces of slime on the face of the Earth. As a member of the Waukegan Developement Commission, a public body, Sneaky Pete violated Illinois law by intentionally tampering with a privately owned video camera that was authorized to record the proceedings of the public meeting with the intent to disable the camera and prevent the meeting from being recorded. He should have been prosecuted for this but his "Good Old Boy" connections prevented that.

Here is a YouTube video of that incident.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3q-lra-mQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3q-lra-mQ</a><!-- m -->

Just looking at his behavior in this video should be enough to convince most people that Sneaky Pete in not to be trusted.... ever!
3/26/2009 2:18 PM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (1) Report Abuse

frankie wrote:
After what Pete Couvall did with Terry Link's petitions, you would think that he would go underground and be quiet. Having Pete Couvall write this letter does Hyde more harm than good. If I were Hyde I would stay as far away from Sneaky Pete as I possibly could.
3/26/2009 11:02 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (1) Report Abuse

r sabonjian wrote:
Mind Boggling?

Okay Peter, let's get the facts straight.
1. I have consistently served Waukegan for 10 years as County Commissioner for District 8 in Waukegan. During that time when issues came up that pertained to Waukegan I was always active in making sure that the City and our Park District received the attention and service required to tackle the problem.

2. Affordable Housing- I have supported and fought for affordable housing across all of Lake County. You need to check your facts Peter, anytime programs have come before us for any community I have supported them. In fact I was instrumental in helping to create the program and fought passionately to make all Board members understand the need for affordable housing across all of Lake County.

3. In regards to Committees- I asked for a change in the committees I was serving on when the reorganization occurred. I had approached the Chairman in Sept. and had an agreement that I would serve on Public Works and Planning. That agreement was eventually not honored as a result of political bickering between the Dems and the Republicans during the last election cycle. I asked not to be reassigned to the Community Development Commission when the rules were changed that restricted the appointments to only one person per community. That was so that member Mary Cunningham could retain her seat. I felt it was important that the representative from the South side of Waukegan should lend her voice to the distribution of Federal funds that traditionally benefited her constituents more than mine.

4. In regards to dealing with CEOs and financial matters- I served on the County Board Finance Committee that oversees a$300 million plus budget. I serve on the Public Building Commission that oversees construction projects and the maintenance of our infrastructure. During my campaign I have spoken with Developers and local business owners about issues in Waukegan and have been told that my vision of our community is sensible and attainable. During my discussions with the County’s economic development organization, The Lake County Partners, I was told that the City has never approached them for assistance in helping to move development along in our community. As Mayor I will seek out assistance from any capable party to help our community.

5. Nepotism- I have never traded on my late Father's name at any time in my political career. This is unlike Couval and his cronies that have seen themselves benefiting from their political affiliation or relationship as family members to city officials. In fact when my Dad was Mayor I never worked for the City at any time. He and I both agreed that would be unfair to other employees or anyone seeking a job that had a family to feed.

6. This letter smacks of desperation. The Hyde election machine foot soldiers have been stealing my signs across Waukegan. In fact the Waukegan Police Dept. are now watching them because they recently have stolen approximately $800 worth of our signs and banners that local residents have given us permission to place on their property. They see the end coming of their political regime, based on nepotism, cronyism, arrogance and hubris and are now willing to do or say anything to gain victory in this contest. It won’t work this time Peter, and I would suggest you and your sycophants step aside before you get steamrolled into political oblivion.
Robert Sabonjian

3/26/2009 9:59 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (3) Report Abuse

mumbly wrote:
You’ve got to be kidding Mr. Couvall.

You conclude that the reason we should vote for Mayor Hyde is because in your opinion Bob Sabonjian is not the right person to be the next Mayor of Waukegan. Very interesting that you did not supply one word as to why Mayor Hyde is the right choice – or how his record over the last 6 years has moved our City forward and that he has EARNED our vote. That would be a much harder letter to compose.

You mention that Bob Sabonjian will not be able to work with the Aldermen of the City of Waukegan. So it is safe to assume that by taking that stance you imply that we currently have leadership that does. Here are just a few recent examples of the Mayor’s leadership.

The Mayor had every opportunity to secure a minor league baseball team and stadium for Waukegan. As a matter of fact, a minor league facility is clearly delineated as part of the Master Plan that Mayor Hyde himself refers to so often whilst thwarting other development that does not comply with the plan. Yet our neighbors to the north will be enjoying that amenity.

The Mayor not only shooed away Costco from Waukegan, but signed a “NON-COMPETE” agreement with Wal-Mart to ensure that other big box retailers will stay far away from Fountain Square, to make room for the casino. The casino that Mayor Hyde and the current administration TWICE failed to deliver. All while the property slated for the casino at Fountain Square earns ZERO in tax dollars.

As for Mr. Sabonjian’s call for more activity at the Genesee you fail to mention that due to Senator Terry Link and his minions whispering directly into Mayor Hyde’s ear the City of Waukegan entered into contract with an organization that GUARANTEED that they will run at a loss to the tune of over 350K per year. And guess what? They have been true to their word! In a meager attempt to show that action was being taken on that front Mayor Hyde recently commented that “we got rid of the first guy, and now we have a new guy there”; well that is great, considering the new guy works for the same company under the same agreement. Now there is an EXCELLENT first hand knowledge of FINANCE.

Have you compared the information on Bob Sabonjian’s website outlining his vision and ideas for the City of Waukegan with Mayor Hyde’s? Oh wait; there isn’t a website for Mayor Hyde. As a matter of fact the only real outlet for information on the Mayor would be at public debates – like the one Mayor Hyde arrived at 50 minutes late. You and Senator Link both have publicly said that now is not the time to make a change. Yet never, not once, has a valid reason for that been given. Of course there are the “projects in the pipeline” that are always referenced. I’m sorry, but that pipeline has got to be really long since nothing has come out of it for 6 years.

You know, this was an easy letter to compose as well.

3/26/2009 9:57 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (4) Report Abuse

The truth is

In response to the Letter to the Editor from Peter Couvall, that was published on March 26th, 2009.
Couvall makes several comments about Bob Sabonjian that are inaccurate and misleading.

First, it's important to understand who Pete Couvall is and his motivations for casting disparagement on Sabonjian.

Pete Couvall is Mayor Hyde's and Senator Link's Campaign Manager.
Hyde appointed Couvall as Chair of the Development Commission and as a Director of the Waukegan Port District.
(Even though Couvall was involved in money laundering while the manager of the Dallas Playboy Club in the 1980s, which led to the failure of the Des Plaines Bank).
It truly boggles the mind that Hyde would associate himself with a money launderer and I don’t think touting Hyde’s ability to negotiate with a known mob associate, that that cost Waukegan the casino license is a very good argument to reelect Hyde.

To set the record straight, Bob Sabonjian resigned from the Democratic Party, not from any county board committees.
He did this because he refuses to be associated a political party led by Couvall, Link and Hyde.

Sabonjian's declaration that the Genesee Theatre is unsuccessful and that it is a continuing drain on our tax dollars is an accurate assessment.
There were nearly 100% in cost over runs, a 1% sales tax hike and we still pay about $62,000.00 a week in operational costs.
Not to mention no bid contracts and lack of oversight of the project.
The theatre has fewer than 20 shows a year and has not been the engine for economic revitalization that Hyde and Senator Link pitched it to be.

Another point that Couvall makes in error is regarding affordable housing.
Sabonjian promotes affordable housing for middle class residents across the county, not just Waukegan.

As for nepotism and name recognition, Sabonjian has served on the County Board for 10 years.
In November, he was reelected with 76% of the vote. Couvall has never been elected to a public office.

Mayor Hyde does not open city positions to the public and has filled the employee roles with political hires.

Here’s JUST A FEW of the nepotistic hires under Mayor Hyde whose names Mr. Couvall might recognize:
Mary Westphal – Hyde’s daughter
Kelly Link – Sen. Link’s Daughter
Mike Hewitt – Chair of Waukegan Democrats/ Hyde’s advisor/Couvall’s right hand man
Diane Hewitt – Wife of Mike Hewitt
Lawrence TenPas Jr. – Son of Alderman TenPas
Anthony Couvall – Son of Pete Couvall

Sabonjian wants to open jobs to the public and promote from within so that city employees will have a career path and an opportunity for advancement.
He wants to take the politics out of day to day operations and hire a certified city administrator

Bob Sabonjian has unimpeachable integrity and a record of standing up to the status quo.

No wonder Mr. Couvall feels threatened.

Voters should remember all of this when they go to the polls on April 7th.

The clear choice is Bob Sabonjian for mayor.

3/26/2009 9:38 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (2) Report Abuse

kirsty wrote:
It boggles the mind that Peter Couvall has not placed his name on the ballot for Waukegan mayor. As a newcomer to Waukegan, I am struck by Peter Couvall's understanding about the duties and responsibilities of an elected official. One might almost think that he was one.

First, you must be able to work well with others. It is public knowledge that Peter Couvall works with the nine aldermen of Waukegan and the mayor. Some might argue that he is the mayor.

Second, an elected official must understand the issues. Peter understands that it is the promoters who take the risks, and those people should be rewarded with paybacks and jobs.

Peter Couvall understand the importance of staying in touch with the Sheridan Road constituency. He is a huge advocate for locating affordable housing elsewhere in the county.

And, as the for issue of nepotism that Peter never talks about, let's remember what his last name is, and his nickname. He has lots of experience with CEOs, corporate presidents, and anyone else who can be manipulated and offered lucrative work.

Voters should remember all of this when they go to the polls.
3/26/2009 9:34 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews.com
Recommend (2) Report Abuse

wauk the tauk wrote:
I found it ironic that Pete Couvall is calling Bob Sabonjian someone who does not and cannot work with others. Pete Couvall thrives and feeds off diviseness in our community with the end result power for him and his buddies down at the cigarette and coffee pit on North Ave previously known as Waukegan Democratic HQ. If Pete Couvall can come up with one verified instance to back up his accusation, I will apologize. Bob Sabonjian does have name recognition because of his dad but also because of his integrity, his financial decision making ability, his willingness to put himself out there and work with us, the citizens and taxpayers of Waukegan, to make this town a shining example on the lake. He wants to replace, "I live in Waukegan. It has a lot of potential" to "Yeah, I live in Waukegan. Best decision I ever made." Some people are satisfied only when the citizens are divided and at each other's throats, ruled by petty men who can only see to the end of a dollar and judging by their appearance, too ashamed to face a mirror in the morning.
3/26/2009 8:12 AM CDT on suburbanchicagonews

The name Anthony Angelos is associated with the DesPlaines bank and Peter Couvall.

Re: Desperate times for Mayor Hyde - Don Petrone - 04-01-2009

JazminH Wrote:Interesting. Its a bit odd that an elected official does not want people to use his name. Especially when he writes letters to the editor.

What public office does he hold?