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Arizona Fights Back! - Printable Version

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Re: Arizona Fights Back! - ClassicalLib17 - 05-11-2010

Black Diamond, Try reading something for what it is, rather than what you think it should be. I have worked and paid taxes since I was 16 years old, and the money the government took from my paychecks provided for the Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, education, housing, government payrolls, etc., etc., etc. I also contribute to the charities of my own choice, on top of all the rest. You, probably haven't even given a thought as to what will be available for me, when I become eligible for the very programs that I have faithfully contributed to, these last 42 years. I grew up in a half black/half white community and I learned about racism at an early age. So, spare me your nonsense.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - Danno - 05-11-2010

ClassicalLib17 Wrote:I think this paragraph disputes your assertion that we allowed illegal aliens to enter our country freely.

I think you read something into my writing that was not there. I used the term "open door policy". While that may not have been the best choice of words to express what I meant it did not in any way imply illegal entry. I even used the term "legal entry" later in a follow up sentence. Maybe you just need glasses.... not beer glasses either!

The policy at that time was very open. Almost anyone who wanted to get in got in.... and they came by the millions. I did not imply the immigrants were illegal.

Now, in terms of what happened during processing at Ellis Island I only know what my father told me from his first hand experience. What you present in your post as fact is mere hearsay... and even it it was "official policy", we all know how things happen very differently in the real world. My father told me exactly what happened because I asked him when he was alive. I have seen both my fathers and grandfathers records from Ellis Island. My father said the only thing they asked him was his name, his mother and fathers name, where he was from, if he had a place to stay and his occupation. He later achieved citizenship when he was in the U.S. Army during WWII.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - goodintentions - 05-11-2010

When my grandparents came... the first thing they did was try to fit in. They learned English. They did the legal paperwork required to have jobs in this country. They followed the laws of our land. They pledged allegiance to Flag of the United States of America. They became law abiding citizens. They didn't insist they had special rights just because they didn't belong. They worked hard... and demanded little. They took care of their own... and anyone else that needed help.

In my opinion they did it right.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - ClassicalLib17 - 05-11-2010

Dear goodintentions, My last social security statement revealed that I, and my employers, have contributed over 160,000 dollars over my working career. If that money had been deposited in a savings account at my local bank, I wonder what I would have on account today, considering compounding interest? I know that my 160,000 has been spent for other things and I am counting on a government I.O.U.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - Blackdiamond - 05-12-2010

Just keep working youngun so I can continue getting my SS check. I MIGHT leave you a little. Big Grin I have worked for 60 years, since I was a teenager---match me. 8-) :!: Again, what about those illegal slaves :?:

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - goodintentions - 05-12-2010

Shouldn't school districts be teaching kids to obey the laws ?????

At Highland Park High School, officials are canceling a girls' basketball team trip to Arizona to protest that state's new anti-immigration law.
A school official tells the Tribune that going to Arizona now -- after that state passed a harsh anti-immigration law -- "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values."
One parent tells ABC-7 that the girls on the team are very upset: "It was a big disappointment. They've been baking cookies to earn money for this and they were just very surprised. They just want to play basketball, that's all, these girls just want to play basketball."
Highland Park also draws students from the heavily Hispanic suburb of Highwood... and school officials said they had safety concerns as well about going to Arizona.

-- WLS reporter John Dempsey

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - gmg77 - 05-12-2010

goodintentions Wrote:Shouldn't school districts be teaching kids to obey the laws ?????

Its not against the law to express your dismay at the misguided law in Arizona. Its exactly these boycotts combined with court battles that will force this un-American legislation to be halted. Maybe these kids will get a good civics lesson out of this.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - Danno - 05-12-2010

goodintentions Wrote:Shouldn't school districts be teaching kids to obey the laws ?????

At Highland Park High School, officials are canceling a girls' basketball team trip to Arizona to protest that state's new anti-immigration law.
A school official tells the Tribune that going to Arizona now -- after that state passed a harsh anti-immigration law -- "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values."
One parent tells ABC-7 that the girls on the team are very upset: "It was a big disappointment. They've been baking cookies to earn money for this and they were just very surprised. They just want to play basketball, that's all, these girls just want to play basketball."
Highland Park also draws students from the heavily Hispanic suburb of Highwood... and school officials said they had safety concerns as well about going to Arizona.

-- WLS reporter John Dempsey
You teach a 2 year old to obey rules, high schoolers already know that laws are to be obeyed. I don't agree with the cancellation but in my opinion a school should not try to teach young people to blindly and without question follow all laws. I'd like to see more in the way of teaching these people how to think for themselves and how to not be indoctrinated and brainwashed into thinking all laws are good laws and make sure they know their right to protest, and value of protest. The people should be the final check and balance not sheep. Also, if you don't want to obey the laws of some other state you don't have to... you just don't go there. If some state outlawed tobacco smoking and if I smoked tobacco there's a very good chance I wouldn't go to that state.

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - goodintentions - 05-14-2010

Danno - am I wrong or did you totally support 287g in Waukegan?

Re: Arizona Fights Back! - Danno - 05-15-2010

goodintentions Wrote:Danno - am I wrong or did you totally support 287g in Waukegan?
Yes, I'm not entirely sure why, but it may have been born out of a fear of the amount of change that happened to the place I grew up in with an element of unfairness mixed in. I don't think it was based on ethnicity. It's easy to feel as if "they" are the enemy, intent on taking over "my" town, but they were just seeking a place to live where they felt more comfrotable and people feel more comfortable with people who are most like themselves. I never really blamed the individuals. I've always said, "if I have ants in my kitchen, is it the ants fault for being there or mine because I spilled sugar and didn't clean it up". Also isolating ourselves as a country is not attacking the root cause of the problem and would only stall the inevitable. At some point in time we will have to deal with the root cause of the problem.

I also see the world differently now. Our entire system is built on lies. The significance of this for all of humankind is immense. Everyone on this planet seems to be caught up in the process of fighting each other because of our obsession with either protecting the material goods we already have or trying to aquire more. It does not have to be that way. We have been conditioned to that. That is not what we truly are as human beings. It is not our nature to be like that. We are much much better than that but the puppet masters, mostly in their lust for greed and power, won't let us be what we truly are. Yes, there are puppet masters in our world. They wield more power than any government because they control one of the most powerful weapons ever used against humankind...money and money has the power to enslave people and the people are indeed enslaved. One of the things these puppet masters fear, is that we, the common people, will figure it all out, so they keep us busy, through the power of the media, through brainwashing, misinformation, disinformation, propaganda etc., bickering among ourselves... keeping us fearful...perpetuating materialism... divide and conquer, etc. Materialism is not the nature of human beings, we are conditioned to be materialistic. If you think we are not enslaved by money think of this. There are groups of people living in the world who are independant of "monetaryism". They mostly live in what we might call "primitive" societies. Most of the people within these "primative" groups spend, at most, 2 hours per day providing for their necessary daily sustenance. The rest of their time is spent at leisure doing things that they like doing which mostly consists of "living in the present moment" which is the true divinity of life. Most of us have been conditioned to fear the now.

Here's an mp3 audio file that tries to explain our true divinity and how we as humans have been led astray by materialism.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sbcglobalpwp.att.net/d/a/danteeqs/amusementparkride.mp3">http://sbcglobalpwp.att.net/d/a/danteeq ... rkride.mp3</a><!-- m -->